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from functools import reduce
import itertools as it
import yaml
from collections import defaultdict
import json
from buildstock_query.helpers import read_csv
class LogicParser:
def __init__(self, opt_sat_path, yaml_file) -> None:
opt_df = read_csv(opt_sat_path)
opt_df = opt_df[opt_df["Saturation"] > 0]
self.available_opts = opt_df.groupby("Parameter")['Option'].agg(set).to_dict()
self.yaml_file = yaml_file
def get_cfg(self) -> dict:
"""Get the buildstock configuration file as a dictionary object.
dict: The buildstock configuration file.
with open(self.yaml_file) as f:
config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
return config
def get_apply_logics(self, upgrade_num, option_name):
"""Get the apply logic for a given upgrade number and option.
upgrade_num (int): The upgrade number.
option_name (str): The option name.
dict: The apply logic for the given upgrade number and option name.
config = self.get_cfg()
upgrade = config["upgrades"][upgrade_num - 1]
opt2logic = dict()
for opt in upgrade["options"]:
para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"])
if para == option_name:
if "apply_logic" in opt and "package_apply_logic" in upgrade:
logic = {"and": [opt["apply_logic"], upgrade["package_apply_logic"]]}
elif "apply_logic" in opt:
logic = opt["apply_logic"]
logic = upgrade["package_apply_logic"]
if opt["option"] in opt2logic:
opt2logic[opt["option"]] = {"or": [opt2logic[opt["option"]], logic]}
opt2logic[opt["option"]] = logic
return opt2logic
def get_upgrade_options_map(self):
"""Get list of all options for all upgrades"""
config = self.get_cfg()
upgrade_options_map = defaultdict(set)
for upgrade_num, upgrade in enumerate(config["upgrades"], start=1):
for opt in upgrade["options"]:
para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"])
upgrade_options_map[(upgrade_num, upgrade['upgrade_name'])].add(para)
return upgrade_options_map
def get_overlap_report(self):
For all the option in each upgrade, verify that there are no overlapping selection.
upgrade_options_map = self.get_upgrade_options_map()
overlap_report = ""
for (upgrade_num, upgrade_name), options in upgrade_options_map.items():
for option in options:
print(f"Verifying upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}), {option}")
opt2logic = self.get_apply_logics(upgrade_num, option)
for opt1, opt2 in it.combinations(opt2logic.keys(), 2):
overlap = self.get_overlapping_selections(opt2logic[opt1], opt2logic[opt2])
if overlap:
overlap_report += f"Upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}),\
has overlapping selections for {opt1} and {opt2}:\n"
overlap_report += json.dumps(overlap, indent=2) + "\n"
return overlap_report
def _get_para_option(condition):
para, option = condition.split("|")
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Condition {condition} is invalid") from e
return para, option
def and_dicts(dict1: dict[str, set[str]], dict2: dict[str, set[str]]):
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
# l1 = {'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}}
# l2 = {'p1': {'o3', 'o4'}, 'p2': {'o5', 'o6'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}}
# l1 & l2 = {'p1': {'o3'}, 'p2': {'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}}
new_dict: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
for key in sorted(set(dict1.keys()) | set(dict2.keys())):
if key in dict1 and key in dict2:
new_dict[key] = dict1[key].intersection(dict2[key])
elif key in dict1:
new_dict[key] = dict1[key]
new_dict[key] = dict2[key]
return new_dict
def and_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
new_logic: list[dict[str, set[str]]] = []
for dict1, dict2 in it.product(selections1, selections2):
new_logic.append(LogicParser.and_dicts(dict1, dict2))
return new_logic
def _trim_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
Remove any selections that are subsets of another selection or contains
a key with no available values
new_selections = []
keys2seen_selections: dict[tuple, list[dict[str, set[str]]]] = dict()
def is_subset(sel):
sel_keys = tuple(sorted(sel.keys()))
keys_combi = (keys for count in range(1, len(sel_keys) + 1) for keys in it.combinations(sel_keys, count))
for keys in keys_combi:
if keys in keys2seen_selections:
for seen_selection in keys2seen_selections[keys]:
if all(sel[key] <= seen_selection[key] for key in keys):
return True
return False
for selection in sorted(selections, key=lambda x: len(x)):
if any(len(selection[key]) == 0 for key in selection):
if not is_subset(selection):
keys2seen_selections[tuple(sorted(selection.keys()))] = [selection]
return new_selections
def _compress_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
If there are multiple selections with the same keys, and same values except for one key,
merge them into one selection to reduce the number of selections.
For example: [{'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5'}},
{'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o6'}}] will be merged into
[{'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5', 'o6'}}]
keys2seen_selections: dict[tuple, list[dict[str, set[str]]]] = dict()
for sel_dict in selections:
keys = tuple(sorted(sel_dict.keys()))
if keys in keys2seen_selections:
for seen_selection in keys2seen_selections[keys]:
matching_keys = {key for key in keys if seen_selection[key] == sel_dict[key]}
if len(matching_keys) == len(keys):
# If all keys match, we have a duplicate sel_dict
elif len(matching_keys) == len(keys) - 1:
# sel_dict has one key with different value from before. Simply update the record
key = tuple(set(keys) - matching_keys)[0]
seen_selection[key] |= sel_dict[key]
# If we did not break out of the loop, we have a new selection that can't be merged with
# any of the previous selections
keys2seen_selections[keys] = [sel_dict]
return list(selection for seen_selections in keys2seen_selections.values() for selection in seen_selections)
def clean_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
Repeatedly compress and trim selections until there is no change.
while True:
new_selections = LogicParser._compress_selections(LogicParser._trim_selections(selections))
if len(new_selections) == len(selections):
return new_selections
selections = new_selections
def or_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
return selections1 + selections2
def inverse_selection(self, selection: dict):
return list({k: self.available_opts[k] - v - {"Void"}} for k, v in selection.items())
def not_(self, logic1):
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
prarsed_logic = self.prase_logic(logic1)
return_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in prarsed_logic]))
return return_val
def _normalize_lists(self, logic, parent=None):
"""Any list that is not in a or block is considered to be in an and block.
This block will normalize this pattern by adding "and" wherever required.
logic (_type_): Logic structure (dict, list etc)
parent (_type_, optional): The parent of the current logic block. If it is a list, and there is no parent,
the list will be wrapped in a and block.
_type_: _description_
if isinstance(logic, list):
# If it is a single element list, just unwrap and return
if len(logic) == 1:
return self._normalize_lists(logic[0])
new_logic = [self._normalize_lists(el) for el in logic]
return {"and": new_logic} if parent is None else new_logic
elif isinstance(logic, dict):
new_dict = {key: self._normalize_lists(value, parent=key) for key, value in logic.items()}
return new_dict
return logic
def prase_logic(self, logic):
Convert the parameter|option logic in the yaml file into the format the apply upgrade measure understands.
:param logic: dict, list, or string with downselection logic in it
:returns: str of logic
logic = self._normalize_lists(logic)
if isinstance(logic, dict):
assert (len(logic) == 1)
key = list(logic.keys())[0]
val = logic[key]
val = [val] if not isinstance(val, list) else val
if key == 'and':
and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val)))
return self.clean_selections(and_result)
elif key == 'or':
or_result = list(reduce(self.or_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val)))
return self.clean_selections(or_result)
elif key == 'not':
and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val)))
not_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in and_result]))
return self.clean_selections(not_val)
elif isinstance(logic, list):
list_val = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in logic)))
return self.clean_selections(list_val)
elif isinstance(logic, str):
para, option = self._get_para_option(logic)
return [{para: {option}}]
raise ValueError(f"Logic {logic} is invalid")
def retrieve_logic(self, selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]):
return back the logic from the selections
outer_dict = {'or': []}
for selection in selections:
inner_dict = {'and': []}
for key, values in selection.items():
if len(values) > 1:
inner_dict['and'].append({'or': [f"{key}|{value}" for value in values]})
elif len(values) == 1:
raise ValueError(f"Selection {selection} has no valid value for {key}")
if len(inner_dict['and']) == 1:
if len(outer_dict['or']) == 1:
return outer_dict['or'][0]
return outer_dict
def normalize_logic(self, logic):
selections = self.prase_logic(logic)
return self.retrieve_logic(selections)
def get_overlapping_selections(self, logic1, logic2):
Get the selections that are common to both logic1 and logic2
selections = self.prase_logic({"and": [logic1, logic2]})
if len(selections) == 0:
return None
selections = self.clean_selections(selections)
return self.retrieve_logic(selections)
class LogicParser (opt_sat_path, yaml_file)
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class LogicParser: def __init__(self, opt_sat_path, yaml_file) -> None: opt_df = read_csv(opt_sat_path) opt_df = opt_df[opt_df["Saturation"] > 0] self.available_opts = opt_df.groupby("Parameter")['Option'].agg(set).to_dict() self.yaml_file = yaml_file def get_cfg(self) -> dict: """Get the buildstock configuration file as a dictionary object. Returns: dict: The buildstock configuration file. """ with open(self.yaml_file) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) return config def get_apply_logics(self, upgrade_num, option_name): """Get the apply logic for a given upgrade number and option. Args: upgrade_num (int): The upgrade number. option_name (str): The option name. Returns: dict: The apply logic for the given upgrade number and option name. """ config = self.get_cfg() upgrade = config["upgrades"][upgrade_num - 1] opt2logic = dict() for opt in upgrade["options"]: para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"]) if para == option_name: if "apply_logic" in opt and "package_apply_logic" in upgrade: logic = {"and": [opt["apply_logic"], upgrade["package_apply_logic"]]} elif "apply_logic" in opt: logic = opt["apply_logic"] else: logic = upgrade["package_apply_logic"] if opt["option"] in opt2logic: opt2logic[opt["option"]] = {"or": [opt2logic[opt["option"]], logic]} else: opt2logic[opt["option"]] = logic return opt2logic def get_upgrade_options_map(self): """Get list of all options for all upgrades""" config = self.get_cfg() upgrade_options_map = defaultdict(set) for upgrade_num, upgrade in enumerate(config["upgrades"], start=1): for opt in upgrade["options"]: para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"]) upgrade_options_map[(upgrade_num, upgrade['upgrade_name'])].add(para) return upgrade_options_map def get_overlap_report(self): """ For all the option in each upgrade, verify that there are no overlapping selection. """ upgrade_options_map = self.get_upgrade_options_map() overlap_report = "" for (upgrade_num, upgrade_name), options in upgrade_options_map.items(): for option in options: print(f"Verifying upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}), {option}") opt2logic = self.get_apply_logics(upgrade_num, option) for opt1, opt2 in it.combinations(opt2logic.keys(), 2): overlap = self.get_overlapping_selections(opt2logic[opt1], opt2logic[opt2]) if overlap: overlap_report += f"Upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}),\ has overlapping selections for {opt1} and {opt2}:\n" overlap_report += json.dumps(overlap, indent=2) + "\n" return overlap_report @staticmethod def _get_para_option(condition): try: para, option = condition.split("|") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Condition {condition} is invalid") from e return para, option @staticmethod def and_dicts(dict1: dict[str, set[str]], dict2: dict[str, set[str]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ # l1 = {'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}} # l2 = {'p1': {'o3', 'o4'}, 'p2': {'o5', 'o6'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}} # l1 & l2 = {'p1': {'o3'}, 'p2': {'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}} new_dict: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for key in sorted(set(dict1.keys()) | set(dict2.keys())): if key in dict1 and key in dict2: new_dict[key] = dict1[key].intersection(dict2[key]) elif key in dict1: new_dict[key] = dict1[key] else: new_dict[key] = dict2[key] return new_dict @staticmethod def and_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ new_logic: list[dict[str, set[str]]] = [] for dict1, dict2 in it.product(selections1, selections2): new_logic.append(LogicParser.and_dicts(dict1, dict2)) return new_logic @staticmethod def _trim_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Remove any selections that are subsets of another selection or contains a key with no available values """ new_selections = [] keys2seen_selections: dict[tuple, list[dict[str, set[str]]]] = dict() def is_subset(sel): sel_keys = tuple(sorted(sel.keys())) keys_combi = (keys for count in range(1, len(sel_keys) + 1) for keys in it.combinations(sel_keys, count)) for keys in keys_combi: if keys in keys2seen_selections: for seen_selection in keys2seen_selections[keys]: if all(sel[key] <= seen_selection[key] for key in keys): return True return False for selection in sorted(selections, key=lambda x: len(x)): if any(len(selection[key]) == 0 for key in selection): continue if not is_subset(selection): keys2seen_selections[tuple(sorted(selection.keys()))] = [selection] new_selections.append(selection) return new_selections @staticmethod def _compress_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ If there are multiple selections with the same keys, and same values except for one key, merge them into one selection to reduce the number of selections. For example: [{'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5'}}, {'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o6'}}] will be merged into [{'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5', 'o6'}}] """ keys2seen_selections: dict[tuple, list[dict[str, set[str]]]] = dict() for sel_dict in selections: keys = tuple(sorted(sel_dict.keys())) if keys in keys2seen_selections: for seen_selection in keys2seen_selections[keys]: matching_keys = {key for key in keys if seen_selection[key] == sel_dict[key]} if len(matching_keys) == len(keys): # If all keys match, we have a duplicate sel_dict break elif len(matching_keys) == len(keys) - 1: # sel_dict has one key with different value from before. Simply update the record key = tuple(set(keys) - matching_keys)[0] seen_selection[key] |= sel_dict[key] break else: # If we did not break out of the loop, we have a new selection that can't be merged with # any of the previous selections keys2seen_selections[keys].append(sel_dict) else: keys2seen_selections[keys] = [sel_dict] return list(selection for seen_selections in keys2seen_selections.values() for selection in seen_selections) @staticmethod def clean_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Repeatedly compress and trim selections until there is no change. """ while True: new_selections = LogicParser._compress_selections(LogicParser._trim_selections(selections)) if len(new_selections) == len(selections): return new_selections selections = new_selections @staticmethod def or_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ return selections1 + selections2 def inverse_selection(self, selection: dict): return list({k: self.available_opts[k] - v - {"Void"}} for k, v in selection.items()) def not_(self, logic1): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ prarsed_logic = self.prase_logic(logic1) return_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in prarsed_logic])) return return_val def _normalize_lists(self, logic, parent=None): """Any list that is not in a or block is considered to be in an and block. This block will normalize this pattern by adding "and" wherever required. Args: logic (_type_): Logic structure (dict, list etc) parent (_type_, optional): The parent of the current logic block. If it is a list, and there is no parent, the list will be wrapped in a and block. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if isinstance(logic, list): # If it is a single element list, just unwrap and return if len(logic) == 1: return self._normalize_lists(logic[0]) new_logic = [self._normalize_lists(el) for el in logic] return {"and": new_logic} if parent is None else new_logic elif isinstance(logic, dict): new_dict = {key: self._normalize_lists(value, parent=key) for key, value in logic.items()} return new_dict else: return logic def prase_logic(self, logic): """ Convert the parameter|option logic in the yaml file into the format the apply upgrade measure understands. :param logic: dict, list, or string with downselection logic in it :returns: str of logic """ logic = self._normalize_lists(logic) if isinstance(logic, dict): assert (len(logic) == 1) key = list(logic.keys())[0] val = logic[key] val = [val] if not isinstance(val, list) else val if key == 'and': and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) return self.clean_selections(and_result) elif key == 'or': or_result = list(reduce(self.or_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) return self.clean_selections(or_result) elif key == 'not': and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) not_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in and_result])) return self.clean_selections(not_val) elif isinstance(logic, list): list_val = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in logic))) return self.clean_selections(list_val) elif isinstance(logic, str): para, option = self._get_para_option(logic) return [{para: {option}}] raise ValueError(f"Logic {logic} is invalid") def retrieve_logic(self, selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ return back the logic from the selections """ outer_dict = {'or': []} for selection in selections: inner_dict = {'and': []} for key, values in selection.items(): if len(values) > 1: inner_dict['and'].append({'or': [f"{key}|{value}" for value in values]}) elif len(values) == 1: inner_dict['and'].append(f"{key}|{list(values)[0]}") else: raise ValueError(f"Selection {selection} has no valid value for {key}") if len(inner_dict['and']) == 1: outer_dict['or'].append(inner_dict['and'][0]) else: outer_dict['or'].append(inner_dict) if len(outer_dict['or']) == 1: return outer_dict['or'][0] return outer_dict def normalize_logic(self, logic): selections = self.prase_logic(logic) return self.retrieve_logic(selections) def get_overlapping_selections(self, logic1, logic2): """ Get the selections that are common to both logic1 and logic2 """ selections = self.prase_logic({"and": [logic1, logic2]}) if len(selections) == 0: return None selections = self.clean_selections(selections) return self.retrieve_logic(selections)
Static methods
def and_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]])
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
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@staticmethod def and_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ new_logic: list[dict[str, set[str]]] = [] for dict1, dict2 in it.product(selections1, selections2): new_logic.append(LogicParser.and_dicts(dict1, dict2)) return new_logic
def and_dicts(dict1: dict[str, set[str]], dict2: dict[str, set[str]])
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
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@staticmethod def and_dicts(dict1: dict[str, set[str]], dict2: dict[str, set[str]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ # l1 = {'p1': {'o1', 'o2', 'o3'}, 'p2': {'o4', 'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}} # l2 = {'p1': {'o3', 'o4'}, 'p2': {'o5', 'o6'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}} # l1 & l2 = {'p1': {'o3'}, 'p2': {'o5'}, 'p5': {'o9', 'o10'}, 'p9': {'o11', 'o12'}} new_dict: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for key in sorted(set(dict1.keys()) | set(dict2.keys())): if key in dict1 and key in dict2: new_dict[key] = dict1[key].intersection(dict2[key]) elif key in dict1: new_dict[key] = dict1[key] else: new_dict[key] = dict2[key] return new_dict
def clean_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]])
Repeatedly compress and trim selections until there is no change.
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@staticmethod def clean_selections(selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Repeatedly compress and trim selections until there is no change. """ while True: new_selections = LogicParser._compress_selections(LogicParser._trim_selections(selections)) if len(new_selections) == len(selections): return new_selections selections = new_selections
def or_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]])
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
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@staticmethod def or_(selections1: list[dict[str, set[str]]], selections2: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ return selections1 + selections2
def get_apply_logics(self, upgrade_num, option_name)
Get the apply logic for a given upgrade number and option.
- The upgrade number.
- The option name.
- The apply logic for the given upgrade number and option name.
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def get_apply_logics(self, upgrade_num, option_name): """Get the apply logic for a given upgrade number and option. Args: upgrade_num (int): The upgrade number. option_name (str): The option name. Returns: dict: The apply logic for the given upgrade number and option name. """ config = self.get_cfg() upgrade = config["upgrades"][upgrade_num - 1] opt2logic = dict() for opt in upgrade["options"]: para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"]) if para == option_name: if "apply_logic" in opt and "package_apply_logic" in upgrade: logic = {"and": [opt["apply_logic"], upgrade["package_apply_logic"]]} elif "apply_logic" in opt: logic = opt["apply_logic"] else: logic = upgrade["package_apply_logic"] if opt["option"] in opt2logic: opt2logic[opt["option"]] = {"or": [opt2logic[opt["option"]], logic]} else: opt2logic[opt["option"]] = logic return opt2logic
def get_cfg(self) ‑> dict
Get the buildstock configuration file as a dictionary object.
- The buildstock configuration file.
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def get_cfg(self) -> dict: """Get the buildstock configuration file as a dictionary object. Returns: dict: The buildstock configuration file. """ with open(self.yaml_file) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) return config
def get_overlap_report(self)
For all the option in each upgrade, verify that there are no overlapping selection.
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def get_overlap_report(self): """ For all the option in each upgrade, verify that there are no overlapping selection. """ upgrade_options_map = self.get_upgrade_options_map() overlap_report = "" for (upgrade_num, upgrade_name), options in upgrade_options_map.items(): for option in options: print(f"Verifying upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}), {option}") opt2logic = self.get_apply_logics(upgrade_num, option) for opt1, opt2 in it.combinations(opt2logic.keys(), 2): overlap = self.get_overlapping_selections(opt2logic[opt1], opt2logic[opt2]) if overlap: overlap_report += f"Upgrade {upgrade_num} ({upgrade_name}),\ has overlapping selections for {opt1} and {opt2}:\n" overlap_report += json.dumps(overlap, indent=2) + "\n" return overlap_report
def get_overlapping_selections(self, logic1, logic2)
Get the selections that are common to both logic1 and logic2
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def get_overlapping_selections(self, logic1, logic2): """ Get the selections that are common to both logic1 and logic2 """ selections = self.prase_logic({"and": [logic1, logic2]}) if len(selections) == 0: return None selections = self.clean_selections(selections) return self.retrieve_logic(selections)
def get_upgrade_options_map(self)
Get list of all options for all upgrades
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def get_upgrade_options_map(self): """Get list of all options for all upgrades""" config = self.get_cfg() upgrade_options_map = defaultdict(set) for upgrade_num, upgrade in enumerate(config["upgrades"], start=1): for opt in upgrade["options"]: para, _ = self._get_para_option(opt["option"]) upgrade_options_map[(upgrade_num, upgrade['upgrade_name'])].add(para) return upgrade_options_map
def inverse_selection(self, selection: dict)
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def inverse_selection(self, selection: dict): return list({k: self.available_opts[k] - v - {"Void"}} for k, v in selection.items())
def normalize_logic(self, logic)
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def normalize_logic(self, logic): selections = self.prase_logic(logic) return self.retrieve_logic(selections)
def not_(self, logic1)
Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence.
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def not_(self, logic1): """ Merge two dicts. If there is a conflict, the value in dict2 takes precedence. """ prarsed_logic = self.prase_logic(logic1) return_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in prarsed_logic])) return return_val
def prase_logic(self, logic)
Convert the parameter|option logic in the yaml file into the format the apply upgrade measure understands.
:param logic: dict, list, or string with downselection logic in it :returns: str of logic
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def prase_logic(self, logic): """ Convert the parameter|option logic in the yaml file into the format the apply upgrade measure understands. :param logic: dict, list, or string with downselection logic in it :returns: str of logic """ logic = self._normalize_lists(logic) if isinstance(logic, dict): assert (len(logic) == 1) key = list(logic.keys())[0] val = logic[key] val = [val] if not isinstance(val, list) else val if key == 'and': and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) return self.clean_selections(and_result) elif key == 'or': or_result = list(reduce(self.or_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) return self.clean_selections(or_result) elif key == 'not': and_result = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in val))) not_val = list(reduce(self.and_, [self.inverse_selection(selection) for selection in and_result])) return self.clean_selections(not_val) elif isinstance(logic, list): list_val = list(reduce(self.and_, (self.prase_logic(block) for block in logic))) return self.clean_selections(list_val) elif isinstance(logic, str): para, option = self._get_para_option(logic) return [{para: {option}}] raise ValueError(f"Logic {logic} is invalid")
def retrieve_logic(self, selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]])
return back the logic from the selections
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def retrieve_logic(self, selections: list[dict[str, set[str]]]): """ return back the logic from the selections """ outer_dict = {'or': []} for selection in selections: inner_dict = {'and': []} for key, values in selection.items(): if len(values) > 1: inner_dict['and'].append({'or': [f"{key}|{value}" for value in values]}) elif len(values) == 1: inner_dict['and'].append(f"{key}|{list(values)[0]}") else: raise ValueError(f"Selection {selection} has no valid value for {key}") if len(inner_dict['and']) == 1: outer_dict['or'].append(inner_dict['and'][0]) else: outer_dict['or'].append(inner_dict) if len(outer_dict['or']) == 1: return outer_dict['or'][0] return outer_dict