Module buildstock_query.report_query
Expand source code
from pandas import DataFrame
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.sql import func as safunc
import logging
import pandas as pd
from buildstock_query.helpers import print_r, print_g
from ast import literal_eval
from functools import reduce
import buildstock_query.main as main
import typing
from typing import Optional, Union, Literal, Hashable, Sequence
from buildstock_query.schema.utilities import AnyColType
from pydantic import validate_arguments, Field
from typing_extensions import assert_never
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FUELS = ['electricity', 'natural_gas', 'propane', 'fuel_oil', 'coal', 'wood_cord', 'wood_pellets']
class BuildStockReport:
"""Class with a collection of functions for reporting and integrity check queries.
def __init__(self, bsq: 'main.BuildStockQuery') -> None:
self._bsq = bsq
def _rename_completed_status_column(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
df = df.rename(columns={self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.completed_status: "completed_status"})
rev_value_map = {db_val: normal_val for normal_val, db_val in self._bsq.db_schema.completion_values}
df["completed_status"] = df["completed_status"].map(rev_value_map)
return df
def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame:
def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str:
def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, str]:
def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False):
bs_query =[self._bsq._bs_completed_status_col, safunc.count().label("count")])
bs_query = bs_query.group_by(sa.text('1'))
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(bs_query)
df = self._bsq.execute(bs_query)
df = self._rename_completed_status_column(df)
df.insert(0, 'upgrade', 0)
return self._process_report(df)
def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame:
def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> list[str]:
def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, list[str]]:
def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False):
"""Returns counts of buildings to which upgrade didn't do any changes on energy consumption
get_query_only (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
queries: list[str] = []
chng_types = ["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"]
for ch_type in chng_types:
up_query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'], safunc.count().label("change")])
up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)
conditions = self._get_change_conditions(change_type=ch_type)
up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition,
conditions)) # type: ignore
up_query = up_query.group_by(sa.text('1'))
up_query = up_query.order_by(sa.text('1'))
if get_query_only:
return queries
change_df: DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
for chng_type, query in zip(chng_types, queries):
df = self._bsq.execute(query)
df.rename(columns={"change": chng_type}, inplace=True)
df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int)
df = df.set_index('upgrade').sort_index()
change_df = change_df.join(df, how='outer') if len(change_df) > 0 else df
change_df = change_df.fillna(0)
for chng_type in chng_types:
if chng_type not in change_df.columns:
change_df[chng_type] = 0
return change_df
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def print_change_details(self, upgrade_id: int, yml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str,
change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng",
"true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'):
ua = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yml_file, opt_sat_path)
bad_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type=change_type)
good_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type='ok-chng')
ua.print_unique_characteristic(upgrade_id, change_type, good_bids, bad_bids)
def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, trim_missing_bs: bool = True,
get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> list[int]:
def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[True],
trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> str:
def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: bool,
trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> Union[list[int], str]:
def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False):
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
up_query =[self._bsq.up_bldgid_column])
if trim_missing_bs:
up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)
up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition,
self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id),
up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id),
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(up_query)
df = self._bsq.execute(up_query)
return df[].to_numpy(dtype='int32').tolist()
def _get_change_conditions(self, change_type: str):
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
threshold = 1e-3
fuel_cols = list(c for c in self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.fuel_totals
if c in self._bsq.up_table.columns) # Look at all fuel type totals
all_cols = list(fuel_cols)
if self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_cooling_hr:
all_cols += [self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_cooling_hr]
if self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_heating_hr:
all_cols += [self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_heating_hr]
null_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[sa.or_(self._bsq.up_table.c[col] == sa.null(),
self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] == sa.null()
) for col in fuel_cols])
no_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(safunc.abs(self._bsq.up_table.c[col] -
self._bsq.bs_table.c[col]), 0) < threshold
for col in fuel_cols])
good_chng_conditions = sa.or_(
*[self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col] >= threshold for col in fuel_cols])
opp_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col], -1) <
threshold for col in fuel_cols], sa.not_(no_chng_conditions))
true_good_chng_conditions = sa.or_(*[self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col] >= threshold
for col in all_cols])
true_opp_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col], -1)
< threshold for col in all_cols], sa.not_(no_chng_conditions))
if change_type == 'no-chng':
conditions = no_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'bad-chng':
conditions = opp_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'true-bad-chng':
conditions = true_opp_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'ok-chng':
conditions = good_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'true-ok-chng':
conditions = true_good_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'null':
conditions = null_chng_conditions
elif change_type == 'any':
conditions = sa.true
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {change_type=}")
return conditions
def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[True],
change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng",
"true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'
) -> str:
def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False,
change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng",
"true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'
) -> list[int]:
def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: bool,
change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng",
"true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'
) -> Union[list[int], str]:
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int,
change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng",
"true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng',
get_query_only: bool = False):
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
up_query =[self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column, self._bsq._bs_completed_status_col,
up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.up_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)
conditions = self._get_change_conditions(change_type)
up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition,
self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id),
conditions)) # type: ignore
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(up_query)
df = self._bsq.execute(up_query)
return df[].to_numpy(dtype='int32').tolist()
def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[True],
trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> str:
def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False,
trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: bool,
trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, str]:
def _get_up_success_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False):
"""Get success report for upgrades
trim_missing_bs (bool, optional): Ignore buildings that have no successful runs in the baseline.
Defaults to True.
get_query_only (bool, optional): Returns query only without the result. Defaults to False.
Union[str, pd.DataFrame]: If get_query_only then returns the query string. Otherwise returns the dataframe.
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
up_query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'], self._bsq._up_completed_status_col,
if trim_missing_bs:
up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)
up_query = up_query.where(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition)
up_query = up_query.group_by(sa.text('1'), sa.text('2'))
up_query = up_query.order_by(sa.text('1'), sa.text('2'))
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(up_query)
df = self._bsq.execute(up_query)
df = self._rename_completed_status_column(df)
return self._process_report(df)
def _process_report(self, df: DataFrame):
df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int)
pf = df.pivot(index=['upgrade'], columns=['completed_status'],
pf.columns = [c[1] for c in pf.columns]
pf['Sum'] = pf.sum(axis=1)
for col in ['fail', 'unapplicable']:
if col not in pf.columns:
pf.insert(1, col, 0)
return pf
def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str:
def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool,
get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, str]:
def _get_full_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False):
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
opt_name_cols = [c for c in self._bsq.up_table.columns if"upgrade_costs.option_")
query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade']] + opt_name_cols + [safunc.count().label('success')]
+ [safunc.array_agg(self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)])
if trim_missing_bs:
query = query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)
query = query.where(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition)
grouping_texts = [sa.text(str(i+1)) for i in range(1+len(opt_name_cols))]
query = query.group_by(*grouping_texts)
query = query.order_by(*grouping_texts)
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(query)
df = self._bsq.execute(query)
simple_names = [f"option{i+1}" for i in range(len(opt_name_cols))]
df.columns = ['upgrade'] + simple_names + ['success', "applied_buildings"]
df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int)
df['applied_buildings'] = df['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: literal_eval(x))
applied_rows = df[simple_names].any(axis=1) # select only rows with at least one option applied
return df[applied_rows]
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def get_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Finds out the number and list of buildings each of the options applied to.
trim_missing_bs (bool, optional): Whether the buildings that are not available in basline should be dropped.
Defaults to True.
pd.DataFrame: The list of options the corresponding set of building ids the option applied to.
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
full_report = self._get_full_options_report(trim_missing_bs=trim_missing_bs)
option_cols = [c for c in full_report.columns if c.startswith("option")]
total_counts: Counter = Counter()
bldg_array: dict = defaultdict(list)
for option in option_cols:
grouped_dict = full_report.groupby(['upgrade', option]).aggregate({'success': 'sum',
'applied_buildings': 'sum'}).to_dict()
total_counts += Counter(grouped_dict['success'])
for key, val in grouped_dict['applied_buildings'].items():
bldg_array[key] += val
option_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'success': total_counts,
'applied_buildings': bldg_array,
}, orient='columns')
option_df['applied_buildings'] = option_df['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: set(x))
option_df = option_df.reset_index()
option_df.columns = ['upgrade', 'option', 'success', 'applied_buildings']
# Aggregate for upgrade
agg = option_df.groupby('upgrade').aggregate({'applied_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)})
agg = agg.reset_index()
agg.insert(1, 'success', agg['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x)))
agg.insert(0, 'option', 'All')
full_df = pd.concat([option_df, agg])
full_df = full_df.sort_values(['upgrade', 'option'])
return full_df
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def get_option_integrity_report(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the
simulation result and tabulates the discrepancy.
yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation
pd.DataFrame: The report dataframe.
ua_df = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).get_report()
ua_df = ua_df.groupby(['upgrade', 'option']).aggregate({'applicable_to': 'sum',
'applicable_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)})
assert (ua_df['applicable_to'] == ua_df['applicable_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x))).all()
opt_report_df = self.get_options_report().fillna(0)
opt_report_df = opt_report_df.set_index(['upgrade', 'option'])
diff_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ua_df.index)
diff_df['applicable_buildings'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings']
diff_df['applied_buildings'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings']
diff_df['overapplied_bldgs'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] - ua_df['applicable_buildings']
diff_df['unapplied_bldgs'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings'] - opt_report_df['applied_buildings']
for col in diff_df.columns:
diff_df[f"{col}_count"] = diff_df[col].map(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, set) else 0)
success_report_df = self.get_success_report()
fail_report = success_report_df[['fail', 'success']].rename(columns={'fail': "Upgrade Failures",
'success': "Upgrade Success"})
diff_df = diff_df.join(fail_report)
return diff_df
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def check_options_integrity(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> bool:
""" Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the
simulation result and flags any discrepancy. The verificationa allows for some mismatch since some simulations
could have failed. Unless there is a bug somewhere in buildstock workflow, integrity check should pass
regardless of number of failures.
yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation
bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed.
intg_df = self.get_option_integrity_report(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).reset_index()
all_intg_df = intg_df[intg_df['option'] == 'All']
blank_opt_upgrades = all_intg_df[all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] < all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']]
assert (all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] >= all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']).all()
if len(blank_opt_upgrades) > 0:
print_r("BLANK OPTIONS: The following upgrades have fewere 'applied_buildings_count' than 'Upgrade Success'"
"This indicates that some buildings in these upgrades didn't have any option applied")
serious = False
for indx, row in intg_df.iterrows():
upgrade_failures = row['Upgrade Failures']
applicable_count = row.applicable_buildings_count
applied_count = row.applied_buildings_count
unapplied_count = row.unapplied_bldgs_count
overapplied_count = row.overapplied_bldgs_count
if row.unapplied_bldgs_count > 0:
if row.option == 'All' and row.unapplied_bldgs_count == upgrade_failures:
f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade} was was supposed to be applied to "
f"{applicable_count} samples but applied to {applied_count} samples")
print_g(f"This difference of {unapplied_count} exactly matches with {upgrade_failures}"
f" failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade}. It's all good.")
print_r(f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} didn't apply to "
f"{unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to apply to.")
if upgrade_failures > 0:
if unapplied_count > upgrade_failures:
print_r(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} can't account for this.")
serious = True
print_g(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} may account for this.")
serious = True
if overapplied_count > 0:
print_r(f"OPTION OVERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} applied to"
f" {unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to NOT apply to.")
serious = True
if not serious:
print_g("Integrity check passed.")
return True
print_r("Integrity check failed. Please check the serious issues above.")
return False
def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[True],
trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto') -> tuple[str, str, list[str]]:
def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False,
trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto') -> pd.DataFrame:
def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: bool,
trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto'
) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, tuple[str, str, list[str]]]:
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def get_success_report(self, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto',
get_query_only: bool = False):
"""Returns a basic report showing number of success and failures for each upgrade along with percentage.
Additional information regarding number of buildings to which the upgrade applied and whether the enduses
changed is also returned.
trim_missing_bs (str | bool, optional): Whether the buildings that failed in baseline should be
dropped from the upgrades. If true, all metrics is calculated after
those buildings are dropped from the upgrades. Defaults to 'auto'.
get_query_only (bool, optional): If true, returns SQL query instead of the report. Defaults to False.
ValueError: If something went wrong.
pd.DateFrame: The report dataframe. The meaning of the various columns are as follows:
**Fail**: Number of simulation that failed.
**unapplicable**: Number of buildings to which the upgrade didn't apply (because of apply logic)
**Success**: The number of buildings which completed simulation successfully. No simulation is run for
unapplicable buildings.
**Sum**: Sum of the first three columns.
**Applied %**: Success / Sum * 100 %.
**no-chng** : Number of successful simulation that didn't have any change in values for any enduses.
**bad-chng:** Number of successful simulation that had bad changes. It's considered a bad change if
none of the fuel has any reduction in energy consumption, and at least one fuel has an
increase in energy consumption.
**ok-chng:** |set(success) - set(no-chng) - set(bad-chng)| i.e. count of successful simulation that are
neither no-chng nor bad-chng.
**true-bad-chng:** Count of only those bad changes in which neither of the umnet cooling/heating hours
decreased. In other words, the increase in energy consumption in one of the fuel type
(often electricity - for electrification upgrades) didn't result in improvement of
cooling/heating umnet hours.
**true-ok-chng:** Adjustment of ok-chng after using true-bad-chng instead of bad-chng
**null**: Included for testing/integrity-checking purpose. It refers to number of buildings that are
are neither no-chng, not bad-chng nor ok-chng. It should always be zero.
**any**: Sum of the no-chng + bad-chng + ok-chng. Refers to any change (including no-change).
**x-chng %**: The percentage form of the change calculated by using success count as the base.
""" # noqa: W291
baseline_result = self._get_bs_success_report()
if self._bsq.up_table is None:
return baseline_result
if trim_missing_bs == 'auto':
if 'success' in baseline_result:
trim = True
logger.warning("None of the simulation was successful in baseline. The counts for upgrade will be"
" returned without requiring corresponding successful baseline run.")
trim = False
elif isinstance(trim_missing_bs, bool):
trim = trim_missing_bs
raise ValueError("trim_missing_bs must be either True/False or 'auto'.")
if get_query_only:
baseline_query = self._get_bs_success_report(get_query_only=True)
upgrade_query = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim, get_query_only=True)
change_query = self._get_change_report(get_query_only=True)
return baseline_query, upgrade_query, change_query
upgrade_result = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim).fillna(0)
change_result = self._get_change_report().fillna(0)
if get_query_only:
return baseline_result, upgrade_result, change_result
if 'success' in upgrade_result.columns:
pa = round(100 * (upgrade_result['fail'] + upgrade_result['success']) /
upgrade_result['Sum'], 1)
upgrade_result['Applied %'] = pa
pf = pd.concat([baseline_result, upgrade_result])
pf = pf.join(change_result).fillna(0)
pf['no-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['no-chng'] / pf['success'], 1)
pf['bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1)
pf['ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1)
pf['true-ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1)
pf['true-bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1)
return pf
def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame:
def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str:
def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, str]:
def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False):
if self._bsq.ts_table is None:
raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .")
ts_query =[self._bsq.ts_table.c['upgrade'],
ts_query = ts_query.group_by(sa.text('1'))
ts_query = ts_query.order_by(sa.text('1'))
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(ts_query)
df = self._bsq.execute(ts_query)
df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int)
df = df.set_index('upgrade')
df = df.rename(columns={'count': 'success'})
return df
def check_ts_bs_integrity(self) -> bool:
"""Checks the integrity between the timeseries and baseline (metadata) tables.
bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed.
""""Checking integrity with ts_tables ...")
raw_ts_report = self._get_ts_report()
raw_success_report = self.get_success_report(trim_missing_bs=False)
if self._bsq.db_schema.structure.unapplicables_have_ts:
bs_dict = raw_success_report[['unapplicable', 'success']].sum(axis=1).to_dict()
bs_dict = raw_success_report['success'].to_dict()
ts_dict = raw_ts_report.to_dict()['success']
check_pass = True
for upgrade, count in ts_dict.items():
if count != bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0):
print_r(f"Upgrade {upgrade} has {count} samples in timeseries table, but {bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0)}"
" samples in baseline/upgrade table.")
check_pass = False
if check_pass:
print_g("Annual and timeseries tables are verified to have the same number of buildings.")
rowcount = self._bsq._get_rows_per_building()
print_g(f"All buildings are verified to have the same number of ({rowcount}) timeseries rows.")
except ValueError:
check_pass = False
print_r("Different buildings have different number of timeseries rows.")
return check_pass
@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True))
def get_successful_simulation_count(self, *,
restrict: Sequence[tuple[AnyColType,
Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[int, str]]]]] =
get_query_only: bool = False):
Returns the count of successful simulation for the given restric condition in the baseline.
restrict: The list of where condition to restrict the results to. It should be specified as a list of tuple.
Example: `[('state',['VA','AZ']), ("",['60% CFL']), ...]`
get_query_only: If set to true, returns the list of queries to run instead of the result.
Pandas integer counting the number of successful simulation
query ="count"))
restrict = list(restrict) if restrict else []
restrict.insert(0, (self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.completed_status,
query = self._bsq._add_restrict(query, restrict, bs_only=True)
if get_query_only:
return self._bsq._compile(query)
return self._bsq.execute(query)
def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int],
include_base_opt: Literal[True]) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int],
include_base_opt: Literal[False] = False) -> list[set[str]]:
def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int],
include_base_opt: bool) -> list[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]]:
def get_applied_options(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int],
include_base_opt: bool = False):
"""Returns the list of options applied to each buildings for a given upgrade.
upgrade_id (int | str): The upgrade for which to find the applied options.
bldg_ids (list[int]): List of building ids.
include_base_opt (bool, optional): If baseline value is to be included. Defaults to False.
list[set|dict]: List of options (along with baseline chars, if include_base_opt is true)
up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id))
rel_up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_ids]
upgrade_cols = [key for key in up_csv.columns
if key.startswith("upgrade_costs.option_") and key.endswith("_name")]
if include_base_opt:
base_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full()
rel_base_csv = base_csv.loc[bldg_ids]
rel_base_csv = rel_base_csv.rename(columns=lambda c: c.split('.')[1] if '.' in c else c)
char_df = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg(
lambda x: {'_'.join(v.split('|')[0].lower().split()) for v in x if v}, axis=1)
all_chars = [c for c in reduce(set.union, char_df.values) if c in set(rel_base_csv.columns)]
char_dict: dict[Hashable, dict[str, str]] = rel_base_csv[all_chars].to_dict(orient='index')
def add_base_chars(options: list):
bldg_id = options[0] # first entry is building_id
return {opt: char_dict[bldg_id].get('_'.join(opt.split('|')[0].lower().split()), '')
for opt in options[1:]}
opt_df: pd.Series = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').reset_index().agg(lambda x: [v for v in x if v],
return_val =
return_val = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg(lambda x: {v for v in x if v},
return return_val
def get_enduses_buildings_map_by_change(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int],
change_type: str = 'changed',
bldg_list: Optional[list[int]] = None) -> dict[str, pd.Index]:
"""Finds the list of enduses and the buildings that had change in the enduses for a given change type.
upgrade (int | stsr): The upgrade to look at.
change_type (str, optional): The kind of change to look for. Valid values are increased, decreased and
and changed. Defaults to 'changed' which includes both cases.
bldg_list (list[int], optional): The list of buildings to narrow down to. If omitted, searches through all
all the buildings in the upgrade. Defaults to None.
dict[str, pd.Index]: Dict mapping enduses that had a given change and building ids showing that change.
up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id))
bs_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full()
if bldg_list:
up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_list]
bs_csv = bs_csv.loc[bldg_list]
def clean_column(col: str):
col = col.removeprefix(self._bsq._out_prefix)
col = col.removeprefix("end_use_")
col = col.removeprefix("fuel_use_")
return col
def get_pure_enduse(col):
for fuel in FUELS:
col = col.removeprefix(f"{fuel}_")
return col
end_use_cols = [c for c in up_csv.columns if ('end_use' in c) or ('fuel_use' in c) or ('unmet_hours_' in c)]
up_csv = up_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column)
bs_csv = bs_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column)
pure_enduses = {get_pure_enduse(c) for c in up_csv.columns}
def get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use):
return [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith(end_use)]
def add_all_fuel_cols(df):
for end_use in pure_enduses:
df[f"all_fuel_{end_use}"] = df[get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use)].sum(axis=1)
return df
diff = up_csv - bs_csv
enduses_df = diff.transpose()
if change_type == 'decreased':
enduses_df = enduses_df < -1e-12
elif change_type == 'increased':
enduses_df = enduses_df > 1e-12
enduses_df = enduses_df.abs() > 1e-12
change_dict = enduses_df.apply(lambda x: enduses_df.columns[x], axis=1).to_dict()
clean_dict = {key: value for key, value in change_dict.items() if len(value) > 0}
return clean_dict
class BuildStockReport (bsq: main.BuildStockQuery)
Class with a collection of functions for reporting and integrity check queries.
Expand source code
class BuildStockReport: """Class with a collection of functions for reporting and integrity check queries. """ def __init__(self, bsq: 'main.BuildStockQuery') -> None: self._bsq = bsq def _rename_completed_status_column(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: df = df.rename(columns={self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.completed_status: "completed_status"}) rev_value_map = {db_val: normal_val for normal_val, db_val in self._bsq.db_schema.completion_values} df["completed_status"] = df["completed_status"].map(rev_value_map) return df @typing.overload def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str: ... @typing.overload def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, str]: ... def _get_bs_success_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False): bs_query =[self._bsq._bs_completed_status_col, safunc.count().label("count")]) bs_query = bs_query.group_by(sa.text('1')) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(bs_query) df = self._bsq.execute(bs_query) df = self._rename_completed_status_column(df) df.insert(0, 'upgrade', 0) return self._process_report(df) @typing.overload def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> list[str]: ... @typing.overload def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, list[str]]: ... def _get_change_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False): """Returns counts of buildings to which upgrade didn't do any changes on energy consumption Args: get_query_only (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. """ if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") queries: list[str] = [] chng_types = ["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] for ch_type in chng_types: up_query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'], safunc.count().label("change")]) up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) conditions = self._get_change_conditions(change_type=ch_type) up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition, self._bsq._up_successful_condition, conditions)) # type: ignore up_query = up_query.group_by(sa.text('1')) up_query = up_query.order_by(sa.text('1')) queries.append(self._bsq._compile(up_query)) if get_query_only: return queries change_df: DataFrame = pd.DataFrame() for chng_type, query in zip(chng_types, queries): df = self._bsq.execute(query) df.rename(columns={"change": chng_type}, inplace=True) df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int) df = df.set_index('upgrade').sort_index() change_df = change_df.join(df, how='outer') if len(change_df) > 0 else df change_df = change_df.fillna(0) for chng_type in chng_types: if chng_type not in change_df.columns: change_df[chng_type] = 0 return change_df @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def print_change_details(self, upgrade_id: int, yml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'): ua = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yml_file, opt_sat_path) bad_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type=change_type) good_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type='ok-chng') ua.print_unique_characteristic(upgrade_id, change_type, good_bids, bad_bids) @typing.overload def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> list[int]: ... @typing.overload def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[True], trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> str: ... @typing.overload def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: bool, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> Union[list[int], str]: ... def _get_upgrade_buildings(self, *, upgrade_id: int, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False): if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") up_query =[self._bsq.up_bldgid_column]) if trim_missing_bs: up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition, self._bsq._up_successful_condition, self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id), )) else: up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id), self._bsq._up_successful_condition)) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(up_query) df = self._bsq.execute(up_query) return df[].to_numpy(dtype='int32').tolist() def _get_change_conditions(self, change_type: str): if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") threshold = 1e-3 fuel_cols = list(c for c in self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.fuel_totals if c in self._bsq.up_table.columns) # Look at all fuel type totals all_cols = list(fuel_cols) if self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_cooling_hr: all_cols += [self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_cooling_hr] if self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_heating_hr: all_cols += [self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.unmet_hours_heating_hr] null_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[sa.or_(self._bsq.up_table.c[col] == sa.null(), self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] == sa.null() ) for col in fuel_cols]) no_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(safunc.abs(self._bsq.up_table.c[col] - self._bsq.bs_table.c[col]), 0) < threshold for col in fuel_cols]) good_chng_conditions = sa.or_( *[self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col] >= threshold for col in fuel_cols]) opp_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col], -1) < threshold for col in fuel_cols], sa.not_(no_chng_conditions)) true_good_chng_conditions = sa.or_(*[self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col] >= threshold for col in all_cols]) true_opp_chng_conditions = sa.and_(*[safunc.coalesce(self._bsq.bs_table.c[col] - self._bsq.up_table.c[col], -1) < threshold for col in all_cols], sa.not_(no_chng_conditions)) if change_type == 'no-chng': conditions = no_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'bad-chng': conditions = opp_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'true-bad-chng': conditions = true_opp_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'ok-chng': conditions = good_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'true-ok-chng': conditions = true_good_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'null': conditions = null_chng_conditions elif change_type == 'any': conditions = sa.true else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid {change_type=}") return conditions @typing.overload def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[True], change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng' ) -> str: ... @typing.overload def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng' ) -> list[int]: ... @typing.overload def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, get_query_only: bool, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng' ) -> Union[list[int], str]: ... @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng', get_query_only: bool = False): if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") up_query =[self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column, self._bsq._bs_completed_status_col, self._bsq._up_completed_status_col]) up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.up_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) conditions = self._get_change_conditions(change_type) up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition, self._bsq._up_successful_condition, self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id), conditions)) # type: ignore if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(up_query) df = self._bsq.execute(up_query) return df[].to_numpy(dtype='int32').tolist() @typing.overload def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[True], trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> str: ... @typing.overload def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def _get_up_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: bool, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, str]: ... def _get_up_success_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False): """Get success report for upgrades Args: trim_missing_bs (bool, optional): Ignore buildings that have no successful runs in the baseline. Defaults to True. get_query_only (bool, optional): Returns query only without the result. Defaults to False. Returns: Union[str, pd.DataFrame]: If get_query_only then returns the query string. Otherwise returns the dataframe. """ if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") up_query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'], self._bsq._up_completed_status_col, safunc.count().label("count")]) if trim_missing_bs: up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) up_query = up_query.where(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition) up_query = up_query.group_by(sa.text('1'), sa.text('2')) up_query = up_query.order_by(sa.text('1'), sa.text('2')) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(up_query) df = self._bsq.execute(up_query) df = self._rename_completed_status_column(df) return self._process_report(df) def _process_report(self, df: DataFrame): df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int) pf = df.pivot(index=['upgrade'], columns=['completed_status'], values=['count']) pf.columns = [c[1] for c in pf.columns] pf['Sum'] = pf.sum(axis=1) for col in ['fail', 'unapplicable']: if col not in pf.columns: pf.insert(1, col, 0) return pf @typing.overload def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str: ... @typing.overload def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> pd.DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def _get_full_options_report(self, *, trim_missing_bs: bool, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, str]: ... def _get_full_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True, get_query_only: bool = False): if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") opt_name_cols = [c for c in self._bsq.up_table.columns if"upgrade_costs.option_") and"name")] query =[self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade']] + opt_name_cols + [safunc.count().label('success')] + [safunc.array_agg(self._bsq.up_bldgid_column)]) if trim_missing_bs: query = query.join(self._bsq.bs_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) query = query.where(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition) grouping_texts = [sa.text(str(i+1)) for i in range(1+len(opt_name_cols))] query = query.group_by(*grouping_texts) query = query.order_by(*grouping_texts) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(query) df = self._bsq.execute(query) simple_names = [f"option{i+1}" for i in range(len(opt_name_cols))] df.columns = ['upgrade'] + simple_names + ['success', "applied_buildings"] df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int) df['applied_buildings'] = df['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: literal_eval(x)) applied_rows = df[simple_names].any(axis=1) # select only rows with at least one option applied return df[applied_rows] @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Finds out the number and list of buildings each of the options applied to. Args: trim_missing_bs (bool, optional): Whether the buildings that are not available in basline should be dropped. Defaults to True. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The list of options the corresponding set of building ids the option applied to. """ if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") full_report = self._get_full_options_report(trim_missing_bs=trim_missing_bs) option_cols = [c for c in full_report.columns if c.startswith("option")] total_counts: Counter = Counter() bldg_array: dict = defaultdict(list) for option in option_cols: grouped_dict = full_report.groupby(['upgrade', option]).aggregate({'success': 'sum', 'applied_buildings': 'sum'}).to_dict() total_counts += Counter(grouped_dict['success']) for key, val in grouped_dict['applied_buildings'].items(): bldg_array[key] += val option_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'success': total_counts, 'applied_buildings': bldg_array, }, orient='columns') option_df['applied_buildings'] = option_df['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: set(x)) option_df = option_df.reset_index() option_df.columns = ['upgrade', 'option', 'success', 'applied_buildings'] # Aggregate for upgrade agg = option_df.groupby('upgrade').aggregate({'applied_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)}) agg = agg.reset_index() agg.insert(1, 'success', agg['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x))) agg.insert(0, 'option', 'All') full_df = pd.concat([option_df, agg]) full_df = full_df.sort_values(['upgrade', 'option']) return full_df @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_option_integrity_report(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and tabulates the discrepancy. Args: yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation Returns: pd.DataFrame: The report dataframe. """ ua_df = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).get_report() ua_df = ua_df.groupby(['upgrade', 'option']).aggregate({'applicable_to': 'sum', 'applicable_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)}) assert (ua_df['applicable_to'] == ua_df['applicable_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x))).all() opt_report_df = self.get_options_report().fillna(0) opt_report_df = opt_report_df.set_index(['upgrade', 'option']) diff_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ua_df.index) diff_df['applicable_buildings'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings'] diff_df['applied_buildings'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] diff_df['overapplied_bldgs'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] - ua_df['applicable_buildings'] diff_df['unapplied_bldgs'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings'] - opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] for col in diff_df.columns: diff_df[f"{col}_count"] = diff_df[col].map(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, set) else 0) success_report_df = self.get_success_report() fail_report = success_report_df[['fail', 'success']].rename(columns={'fail': "Upgrade Failures", 'success': "Upgrade Success"}) diff_df = diff_df.join(fail_report) return diff_df @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def check_options_integrity(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> bool: """ Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and flags any discrepancy. The verificationa allows for some mismatch since some simulations could have failed. Unless there is a bug somewhere in buildstock workflow, integrity check should pass regardless of number of failures. Args: yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation Returns: bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed. """ intg_df = self.get_option_integrity_report(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).reset_index() all_intg_df = intg_df[intg_df['option'] == 'All'] blank_opt_upgrades = all_intg_df[all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] < all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']] assert (all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] >= all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']).all() if len(blank_opt_upgrades) > 0: print_r("BLANK OPTIONS: The following upgrades have fewere 'applied_buildings_count' than 'Upgrade Success'" "This indicates that some buildings in these upgrades didn't have any option applied") serious = False for indx, row in intg_df.iterrows(): upgrade_failures = row['Upgrade Failures'] applicable_count = row.applicable_buildings_count applied_count = row.applied_buildings_count unapplied_count = row.unapplied_bldgs_count overapplied_count = row.overapplied_bldgs_count if row.unapplied_bldgs_count > 0: if row.option == 'All' and row.unapplied_bldgs_count == upgrade_failures: print_r( f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade} was was supposed to be applied to " f"{applicable_count} samples but applied to {applied_count} samples") print_g(f"This difference of {unapplied_count} exactly matches with {upgrade_failures}" f" failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade}. It's all good.") else: print_r(f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} didn't apply to " f"{unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to apply to.") if upgrade_failures > 0: if unapplied_count > upgrade_failures: print_r(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} can't account for this.") serious = True else: print_g(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} may account for this.") else: serious = True if overapplied_count > 0: print_r(f"OPTION OVERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} applied to" f" {unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to NOT apply to.") serious = True if not serious: print_g("Integrity check passed.") return True else: print_r("Integrity check failed. Please check the serious issues above.") return False @typing.overload def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[True], trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto') -> tuple[str, str, list[str]]: ... @typing.overload def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto') -> pd.DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def get_success_report(self, *, get_query_only: bool, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto' ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, tuple[str, str, list[str]]]: ... @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_success_report(self, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto', get_query_only: bool = False): """Returns a basic report showing number of success and failures for each upgrade along with percentage. Additional information regarding number of buildings to which the upgrade applied and whether the enduses changed is also returned. Args: trim_missing_bs (str | bool, optional): Whether the buildings that failed in baseline should be dropped from the upgrades. If true, all metrics is calculated after those buildings are dropped from the upgrades. Defaults to 'auto'. get_query_only (bool, optional): If true, returns SQL query instead of the report. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If something went wrong. Returns: pd.DateFrame: The report dataframe. The meaning of the various columns are as follows: **Fail**: Number of simulation that failed. **unapplicable**: Number of buildings to which the upgrade didn't apply (because of apply logic) **Success**: The number of buildings which completed simulation successfully. No simulation is run for unapplicable buildings. **Sum**: Sum of the first three columns. **Applied %**: Success / Sum * 100 %. **no-chng** : Number of successful simulation that didn't have any change in values for any enduses. **bad-chng:** Number of successful simulation that had bad changes. It's considered a bad change if none of the fuel has any reduction in energy consumption, and at least one fuel has an increase in energy consumption. **ok-chng:** |set(success) - set(no-chng) - set(bad-chng)| i.e. count of successful simulation that are neither no-chng nor bad-chng. **true-bad-chng:** Count of only those bad changes in which neither of the umnet cooling/heating hours decreased. In other words, the increase in energy consumption in one of the fuel type (often electricity - for electrification upgrades) didn't result in improvement of cooling/heating umnet hours. **true-ok-chng:** Adjustment of ok-chng after using true-bad-chng instead of bad-chng **null**: Included for testing/integrity-checking purpose. It refers to number of buildings that are are neither no-chng, not bad-chng nor ok-chng. It should always be zero. **any**: Sum of the no-chng + bad-chng + ok-chng. Refers to any change (including no-change). **x-chng %**: The percentage form of the change calculated by using success count as the base. """ # noqa: W291 baseline_result = self._get_bs_success_report() if self._bsq.up_table is None: return baseline_result if trim_missing_bs == 'auto': if 'success' in baseline_result: trim = True else: logger.warning("None of the simulation was successful in baseline. The counts for upgrade will be" " returned without requiring corresponding successful baseline run.") trim = False elif isinstance(trim_missing_bs, bool): trim = trim_missing_bs else: assert_never(trim_missing_bs) raise ValueError("trim_missing_bs must be either True/False or 'auto'.") if get_query_only: baseline_query = self._get_bs_success_report(get_query_only=True) upgrade_query = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim, get_query_only=True) change_query = self._get_change_report(get_query_only=True) return baseline_query, upgrade_query, change_query upgrade_result = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim).fillna(0) change_result = self._get_change_report().fillna(0) if get_query_only: return baseline_result, upgrade_result, change_result if 'success' in upgrade_result.columns: pa = round(100 * (upgrade_result['fail'] + upgrade_result['success']) / upgrade_result['Sum'], 1) upgrade_result['Applied %'] = pa pf = pd.concat([baseline_result, upgrade_result]) pf = pf.join(change_result).fillna(0) pf['no-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['no-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['true-ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['true-bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) return pf @typing.overload def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[False] = False) -> DataFrame: ... @typing.overload def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: Literal[True]) -> str: ... @typing.overload def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: bool) -> Union[DataFrame, str]: ... def _get_ts_report(self, get_query_only: bool = False): if self._bsq.ts_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") ts_query =[self._bsq.ts_table.c['upgrade'], safunc.count(self._bsq.ts_bldgid_column.distinct()).label("count")]) ts_query = ts_query.group_by(sa.text('1')) ts_query = ts_query.order_by(sa.text('1')) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(ts_query) df = self._bsq.execute(ts_query) df['upgrade'] = df['upgrade'].map(int) df = df.set_index('upgrade') df = df.rename(columns={'count': 'success'}) return df def check_ts_bs_integrity(self) -> bool: """Checks the integrity between the timeseries and baseline (metadata) tables. Returns: bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed. """"Checking integrity with ts_tables ...") raw_ts_report = self._get_ts_report() raw_success_report = self.get_success_report(trim_missing_bs=False) if self._bsq.db_schema.structure.unapplicables_have_ts: bs_dict = raw_success_report[['unapplicable', 'success']].sum(axis=1).to_dict() else: bs_dict = raw_success_report['success'].to_dict() ts_dict = raw_ts_report.to_dict()['success'] check_pass = True for upgrade, count in ts_dict.items(): if count != bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0): print_r(f"Upgrade {upgrade} has {count} samples in timeseries table, but {bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0)}" " samples in baseline/upgrade table.") check_pass = False if check_pass: print_g("Annual and timeseries tables are verified to have the same number of buildings.") try: rowcount = self._bsq._get_rows_per_building() print_g(f"All buildings are verified to have the same number of ({rowcount}) timeseries rows.") except ValueError: check_pass = False print_r("Different buildings have different number of timeseries rows.") return check_pass @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_successful_simulation_count(self, *, restrict: Sequence[tuple[AnyColType, Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[int, str]]]]] = Field(default_factory=list), get_query_only: bool = False): """ Returns the count of successful simulation for the given restric condition in the baseline. Args: restrict: The list of where condition to restrict the results to. It should be specified as a list of tuple. Example: `[('state',['VA','AZ']), ("",['60% CFL']), ...]` get_query_only: If set to true, returns the list of queries to run instead of the result. Returns: Pandas integer counting the number of successful simulation """ query ="count")) restrict = list(restrict) if restrict else [] restrict.insert(0, (self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.completed_status, [self._bsq.db_schema.completion_values.success])) query = self._bsq._add_restrict(query, restrict, bs_only=True) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(query) return self._bsq.execute(query) @typing.overload def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: Literal[True]) -> list[dict[str, str]]: ... @typing.overload def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: Literal[False] = False) -> list[set[str]]: ... @typing.overload def get_applied_options(self, *, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: bool) -> list[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]]: ... @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)) def get_applied_options(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: bool = False): """Returns the list of options applied to each buildings for a given upgrade. Args: upgrade_id (int | str): The upgrade for which to find the applied options. bldg_ids (list[int]): List of building ids. include_base_opt (bool, optional): If baseline value is to be included. Defaults to False. Returns: list[set|dict]: List of options (along with baseline chars, if include_base_opt is true) """ up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id)) rel_up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_ids] upgrade_cols = [key for key in up_csv.columns if key.startswith("upgrade_costs.option_") and key.endswith("_name")] if include_base_opt: base_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full() rel_base_csv = base_csv.loc[bldg_ids] rel_base_csv = rel_base_csv.rename(columns=lambda c: c.split('.')[1] if '.' in c else c) char_df = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg( lambda x: {'_'.join(v.split('|')[0].lower().split()) for v in x if v}, axis=1) all_chars = [c for c in reduce(set.union, char_df.values) if c in set(rel_base_csv.columns)] char_dict: dict[Hashable, dict[str, str]] = rel_base_csv[all_chars].to_dict(orient='index') def add_base_chars(options: list): bldg_id = options[0] # first entry is building_id return {opt: char_dict[bldg_id].get('_'.join(opt.split('|')[0].lower().split()), '') for opt in options[1:]} opt_df: pd.Series = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').reset_index().agg(lambda x: [v for v in x if v], axis=1) return_val = else: return_val = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg(lambda x: {v for v in x if v}, axis=1).to_list() return return_val @validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)) def get_enduses_buildings_map_by_change(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], change_type: str = 'changed', bldg_list: Optional[list[int]] = None) -> dict[str, pd.Index]: """Finds the list of enduses and the buildings that had change in the enduses for a given change type. Args: upgrade (int | stsr): The upgrade to look at. change_type (str, optional): The kind of change to look for. Valid values are increased, decreased and and changed. Defaults to 'changed' which includes both cases. bldg_list (list[int], optional): The list of buildings to narrow down to. If omitted, searches through all all the buildings in the upgrade. Defaults to None. Returns: dict[str, pd.Index]: Dict mapping enduses that had a given change and building ids showing that change. """ up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id)) bs_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full() if bldg_list: up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_list] bs_csv = bs_csv.loc[bldg_list] def clean_column(col: str): col = col.removeprefix(self._bsq._out_prefix) col = col.removeprefix("end_use_") col = col.removeprefix("fuel_use_") return col def get_pure_enduse(col): for fuel in FUELS: col = col.removeprefix(f"{fuel}_") return col end_use_cols = [c for c in up_csv.columns if ('end_use' in c) or ('fuel_use' in c) or ('unmet_hours_' in c)] up_csv = up_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column) bs_csv = bs_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column) pure_enduses = {get_pure_enduse(c) for c in up_csv.columns} def get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use): return [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith(end_use)] def add_all_fuel_cols(df): for end_use in pure_enduses: df[f"all_fuel_{end_use}"] = df[get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use)].sum(axis=1) return df add_all_fuel_cols(up_csv) add_all_fuel_cols(bs_csv) diff = up_csv - bs_csv enduses_df = diff.transpose() if change_type == 'decreased': enduses_df = enduses_df < -1e-12 elif change_type == 'increased': enduses_df = enduses_df > 1e-12 else: enduses_df = enduses_df.abs() > 1e-12 change_dict = enduses_df.apply(lambda x: enduses_df.columns[x], axis=1).to_dict() clean_dict = {key: value for key, value in change_dict.items() if len(value) > 0} return clean_dict
def check_options_integrity(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) ‑> bool
Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and flags any discrepancy. The verificationa allows for some mismatch since some simulations could have failed. Unless there is a bug somewhere in buildstock workflow, integrity check should pass regardless of number of failures.
- The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation
- Whether or not the integrity check passed.
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def check_options_integrity(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> bool: """ Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and flags any discrepancy. The verificationa allows for some mismatch since some simulations could have failed. Unless there is a bug somewhere in buildstock workflow, integrity check should pass regardless of number of failures. Args: yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation Returns: bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed. """ intg_df = self.get_option_integrity_report(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).reset_index() all_intg_df = intg_df[intg_df['option'] == 'All'] blank_opt_upgrades = all_intg_df[all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] < all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']] assert (all_intg_df['applied_buildings_count'] >= all_intg_df['Upgrade Success']).all() if len(blank_opt_upgrades) > 0: print_r("BLANK OPTIONS: The following upgrades have fewere 'applied_buildings_count' than 'Upgrade Success'" "This indicates that some buildings in these upgrades didn't have any option applied") serious = False for indx, row in intg_df.iterrows(): upgrade_failures = row['Upgrade Failures'] applicable_count = row.applicable_buildings_count applied_count = row.applied_buildings_count unapplied_count = row.unapplied_bldgs_count overapplied_count = row.overapplied_bldgs_count if row.unapplied_bldgs_count > 0: if row.option == 'All' and row.unapplied_bldgs_count == upgrade_failures: print_r( f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade} was was supposed to be applied to " f"{applicable_count} samples but applied to {applied_count} samples") print_g(f"This difference of {unapplied_count} exactly matches with {upgrade_failures}" f" failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade}. It's all good.") else: print_r(f"OPTION UNDERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} didn't apply to " f"{unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to apply to.") if upgrade_failures > 0: if unapplied_count > upgrade_failures: print_r(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} can't account for this.") serious = True else: print_g(f"{upgrade_failures} failures in Upgrade {row.upgrade} may account for this.") else: serious = True if overapplied_count > 0: print_r(f"OPTION OVERAPPLICATION: Upgrade {row.upgrade}, {row.option} applied to" f" {unapplied_count} samples that it was supposed to NOT apply to.") serious = True if not serious: print_g("Integrity check passed.") return True else: print_r("Integrity check failed. Please check the serious issues above.") return False
def check_ts_bs_integrity(self) ‑> bool
Checks the integrity between the timeseries and baseline (metadata) tables.
- Whether or not the integrity check passed.
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def check_ts_bs_integrity(self) -> bool: """Checks the integrity between the timeseries and baseline (metadata) tables. Returns: bool: Whether or not the integrity check passed. """"Checking integrity with ts_tables ...") raw_ts_report = self._get_ts_report() raw_success_report = self.get_success_report(trim_missing_bs=False) if self._bsq.db_schema.structure.unapplicables_have_ts: bs_dict = raw_success_report[['unapplicable', 'success']].sum(axis=1).to_dict() else: bs_dict = raw_success_report['success'].to_dict() ts_dict = raw_ts_report.to_dict()['success'] check_pass = True for upgrade, count in ts_dict.items(): if count != bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0): print_r(f"Upgrade {upgrade} has {count} samples in timeseries table, but {bs_dict.get(upgrade, 0)}" " samples in baseline/upgrade table.") check_pass = False if check_pass: print_g("Annual and timeseries tables are verified to have the same number of buildings.") try: rowcount = self._bsq._get_rows_per_building() print_g(f"All buildings are verified to have the same number of ({rowcount}) timeseries rows.") except ValueError: check_pass = False print_r("Different buildings have different number of timeseries rows.") return check_pass
def get_applied_options(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: bool = False)
Returns the list of options applied to each buildings for a given upgrade.
- upgrade_id (int | str): The upgrade for which to find the applied options.
- List of building ids.
, optional- If baseline value is to be included. Defaults to False.
list[set|dict]: List of options (along with baseline chars, if include_base_opt is true)
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)) def get_applied_options(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], bldg_ids: list[int], include_base_opt: bool = False): """Returns the list of options applied to each buildings for a given upgrade. Args: upgrade_id (int | str): The upgrade for which to find the applied options. bldg_ids (list[int]): List of building ids. include_base_opt (bool, optional): If baseline value is to be included. Defaults to False. Returns: list[set|dict]: List of options (along with baseline chars, if include_base_opt is true) """ up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id)) rel_up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_ids] upgrade_cols = [key for key in up_csv.columns if key.startswith("upgrade_costs.option_") and key.endswith("_name")] if include_base_opt: base_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full() rel_base_csv = base_csv.loc[bldg_ids] rel_base_csv = rel_base_csv.rename(columns=lambda c: c.split('.')[1] if '.' in c else c) char_df = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg( lambda x: {'_'.join(v.split('|')[0].lower().split()) for v in x if v}, axis=1) all_chars = [c for c in reduce(set.union, char_df.values) if c in set(rel_base_csv.columns)] char_dict: dict[Hashable, dict[str, str]] = rel_base_csv[all_chars].to_dict(orient='index') def add_base_chars(options: list): bldg_id = options[0] # first entry is building_id return {opt: char_dict[bldg_id].get('_'.join(opt.split('|')[0].lower().split()), '') for opt in options[1:]} opt_df: pd.Series = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').reset_index().agg(lambda x: [v for v in x if v], axis=1) return_val = else: return_val = rel_up_csv[upgrade_cols].fillna('').agg(lambda x: {v for v in x if v}, axis=1).to_list() return return_val
def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, change_type: Literal['no-chng', 'bad-chng', 'ok-chng', 'true-bad-chng', 'true-ok-chng', 'null', 'any'] = 'no-chng', get_query_only: bool = False)
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_buildings_by_change(self, *, upgrade_id: int, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng', get_query_only: bool = False): if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") up_query =[self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column, self._bsq._bs_completed_status_col, self._bsq._up_completed_status_col]) up_query = up_query.join(self._bsq.up_table, self._bsq.bs_bldgid_column == self._bsq.up_bldgid_column) conditions = self._get_change_conditions(change_type) up_query = up_query.where(sa.and_(self._bsq._bs_successful_condition, self._bsq._up_successful_condition, self._bsq.up_table.c['upgrade'] == str(upgrade_id), conditions)) # type: ignore if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(up_query) df = self._bsq.execute(up_query) return df[].to_numpy(dtype='int32').tolist()
def get_enduses_buildings_map_by_change(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], change_type: str = 'changed', bldg_list: Optional[list[int]] = None) ‑> dict[str, pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]
Finds the list of enduses and the buildings that had change in the enduses for a given change type.
- upgrade (int | stsr): The upgrade to look at.
, optional- The kind of change to look for. Valid values are increased, decreased and and changed. Defaults to 'changed' which includes both cases.
, optional- The list of buildings to narrow down to. If omitted, searches through all all the buildings in the upgrade. Defaults to None.
dict[str, pd.Index]
- Dict mapping enduses that had a given change and building ids showing that change.
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)) def get_enduses_buildings_map_by_change(self, upgrade_id: Union[str, int], change_type: str = 'changed', bldg_list: Optional[list[int]] = None) -> dict[str, pd.Index]: """Finds the list of enduses and the buildings that had change in the enduses for a given change type. Args: upgrade (int | stsr): The upgrade to look at. change_type (str, optional): The kind of change to look for. Valid values are increased, decreased and and changed. Defaults to 'changed' which includes both cases. bldg_list (list[int], optional): The list of buildings to narrow down to. If omitted, searches through all all the buildings in the upgrade. Defaults to None. Returns: dict[str, pd.Index]: Dict mapping enduses that had a given change and building ids showing that change. """ up_csv = self._bsq.get_upgrades_csv_full(upgrade_id=int(upgrade_id)) bs_csv = self._bsq.get_results_csv_full() if bldg_list: up_csv = up_csv.loc[bldg_list] bs_csv = bs_csv.loc[bldg_list] def clean_column(col: str): col = col.removeprefix(self._bsq._out_prefix) col = col.removeprefix("end_use_") col = col.removeprefix("fuel_use_") return col def get_pure_enduse(col): for fuel in FUELS: col = col.removeprefix(f"{fuel}_") return col end_use_cols = [c for c in up_csv.columns if ('end_use' in c) or ('fuel_use' in c) or ('unmet_hours_' in c)] up_csv = up_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column) bs_csv = bs_csv[end_use_cols].rename(columns=clean_column) pure_enduses = {get_pure_enduse(c) for c in up_csv.columns} def get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use): return [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith(end_use)] def add_all_fuel_cols(df): for end_use in pure_enduses: df[f"all_fuel_{end_use}"] = df[get_all_fuel_enduses(df, end_use)].sum(axis=1) return df add_all_fuel_cols(up_csv) add_all_fuel_cols(bs_csv) diff = up_csv - bs_csv enduses_df = diff.transpose() if change_type == 'decreased': enduses_df = enduses_df < -1e-12 elif change_type == 'increased': enduses_df = enduses_df > 1e-12 else: enduses_df = enduses_df.abs() > 1e-12 change_dict = enduses_df.apply(lambda x: enduses_df.columns[x], axis=1).to_dict() clean_dict = {key: value for key, value in change_dict.items() if len(value) > 0} return clean_dict
def get_option_integrity_report(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and tabulates the discrepancy.
- The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation
- The report dataframe.
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_option_integrity_report(self, yaml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Checks the upgrade/option spec in the buildstock configuration file against what is actually in the simulation result and tabulates the discrepancy. Args: yaml_file (str): The path to buildstock configuration file used to run the simulation Returns: pd.DataFrame: The report dataframe. """ ua_df = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yaml_file, opt_sat_path).get_report() ua_df = ua_df.groupby(['upgrade', 'option']).aggregate({'applicable_to': 'sum', 'applicable_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)}) assert (ua_df['applicable_to'] == ua_df['applicable_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x))).all() opt_report_df = self.get_options_report().fillna(0) opt_report_df = opt_report_df.set_index(['upgrade', 'option']) diff_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ua_df.index) diff_df['applicable_buildings'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings'] diff_df['applied_buildings'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] diff_df['overapplied_bldgs'] = opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] - ua_df['applicable_buildings'] diff_df['unapplied_bldgs'] = ua_df['applicable_buildings'] - opt_report_df['applied_buildings'] for col in diff_df.columns: diff_df[f"{col}_count"] = diff_df[col].map(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, set) else 0) success_report_df = self.get_success_report() fail_report = success_report_df[['fail', 'success']].rename(columns={'fail': "Upgrade Failures", 'success': "Upgrade Success"}) diff_df = diff_df.join(fail_report) return diff_df
def get_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Finds out the number and list of buildings each of the options applied to.
, optional- Whether the buildings that are not available in basline should be dropped. Defaults to True.
- The list of options the corresponding set of building ids the option applied to.
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_options_report(self, trim_missing_bs: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Finds out the number and list of buildings each of the options applied to. Args: trim_missing_bs (bool, optional): Whether the buildings that are not available in basline should be dropped. Defaults to True. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The list of options the corresponding set of building ids the option applied to. """ if self._bsq.up_table is None: raise ValueError("No upgrade table is available .") full_report = self._get_full_options_report(trim_missing_bs=trim_missing_bs) option_cols = [c for c in full_report.columns if c.startswith("option")] total_counts: Counter = Counter() bldg_array: dict = defaultdict(list) for option in option_cols: grouped_dict = full_report.groupby(['upgrade', option]).aggregate({'success': 'sum', 'applied_buildings': 'sum'}).to_dict() total_counts += Counter(grouped_dict['success']) for key, val in grouped_dict['applied_buildings'].items(): bldg_array[key] += val option_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'success': total_counts, 'applied_buildings': bldg_array, }, orient='columns') option_df['applied_buildings'] = option_df['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: set(x)) option_df = option_df.reset_index() option_df.columns = ['upgrade', 'option', 'success', 'applied_buildings'] # Aggregate for upgrade agg = option_df.groupby('upgrade').aggregate({'applied_buildings': lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)}) agg = agg.reset_index() agg.insert(1, 'success', agg['applied_buildings'].map(lambda x: len(x))) agg.insert(0, 'option', 'All') full_df = pd.concat([option_df, agg]) full_df = full_df.sort_values(['upgrade', 'option']) return full_df
def get_success_report(self, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto', get_query_only: bool = False)
Returns a basic report showing number of success and failures for each upgrade along with percentage. Additional information regarding number of buildings to which the upgrade applied and whether the enduses changed is also returned.
- trim_missing_bs (str | bool, optional): Whether the buildings that failed in baseline should be
- dropped from the upgrades. If true, all metrics is calculated after
- those buildings are dropped from the upgrades. Defaults to 'auto'.
, optional- If true, returns SQL query instead of the report. Defaults to False.
- If something went wrong.
- The report dataframe. The meaning of the various columns are as follows:
Fail: Number of simulation that failed.
unapplicable: Number of buildings to which the upgrade didn't apply (because of apply logic)
Success: The number of buildings which completed simulation successfully. No simulation is run for unapplicable buildings.
Sum: Sum of the first three columns.
Applied %: Success / Sum * 100 %.
no-chng : Number of successful simulation that didn't have any change in values for any enduses.
bad-chng: Number of successful simulation that had bad changes. It's considered a bad change if none of the fuel has any reduction in energy consumption, and at least one fuel has an increase in energy consumption.
ok-chng: |set(success) - set(no-chng) - set(bad-chng)| i.e. count of successful simulation that are neither no-chng nor bad-chng.
true-bad-chng: Count of only those bad changes in which neither of the umnet cooling/heating hours decreased. In other words, the increase in energy consumption in one of the fuel type (often electricity - for electrification upgrades) didn't result in improvement of cooling/heating umnet hours.
true-ok-chng: Adjustment of ok-chng after using true-bad-chng instead of bad-chng
null: Included for testing/integrity-checking purpose. It refers to number of buildings that are
are neither no-chng, not bad-chng nor ok-chng. It should always be zero.
any: Sum of the no-chng + bad-chng + ok-chng. Refers to any change (including no-change).
x-chng %: The percentage form of the change calculated by using success count as the base.
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_success_report(self, trim_missing_bs: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto', get_query_only: bool = False): """Returns a basic report showing number of success and failures for each upgrade along with percentage. Additional information regarding number of buildings to which the upgrade applied and whether the enduses changed is also returned. Args: trim_missing_bs (str | bool, optional): Whether the buildings that failed in baseline should be dropped from the upgrades. If true, all metrics is calculated after those buildings are dropped from the upgrades. Defaults to 'auto'. get_query_only (bool, optional): If true, returns SQL query instead of the report. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If something went wrong. Returns: pd.DateFrame: The report dataframe. The meaning of the various columns are as follows: **Fail**: Number of simulation that failed. **unapplicable**: Number of buildings to which the upgrade didn't apply (because of apply logic) **Success**: The number of buildings which completed simulation successfully. No simulation is run for unapplicable buildings. **Sum**: Sum of the first three columns. **Applied %**: Success / Sum * 100 %. **no-chng** : Number of successful simulation that didn't have any change in values for any enduses. **bad-chng:** Number of successful simulation that had bad changes. It's considered a bad change if none of the fuel has any reduction in energy consumption, and at least one fuel has an increase in energy consumption. **ok-chng:** |set(success) - set(no-chng) - set(bad-chng)| i.e. count of successful simulation that are neither no-chng nor bad-chng. **true-bad-chng:** Count of only those bad changes in which neither of the umnet cooling/heating hours decreased. In other words, the increase in energy consumption in one of the fuel type (often electricity - for electrification upgrades) didn't result in improvement of cooling/heating umnet hours. **true-ok-chng:** Adjustment of ok-chng after using true-bad-chng instead of bad-chng **null**: Included for testing/integrity-checking purpose. It refers to number of buildings that are are neither no-chng, not bad-chng nor ok-chng. It should always be zero. **any**: Sum of the no-chng + bad-chng + ok-chng. Refers to any change (including no-change). **x-chng %**: The percentage form of the change calculated by using success count as the base. """ # noqa: W291 baseline_result = self._get_bs_success_report() if self._bsq.up_table is None: return baseline_result if trim_missing_bs == 'auto': if 'success' in baseline_result: trim = True else: logger.warning("None of the simulation was successful in baseline. The counts for upgrade will be" " returned without requiring corresponding successful baseline run.") trim = False elif isinstance(trim_missing_bs, bool): trim = trim_missing_bs else: assert_never(trim_missing_bs) raise ValueError("trim_missing_bs must be either True/False or 'auto'.") if get_query_only: baseline_query = self._get_bs_success_report(get_query_only=True) upgrade_query = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim, get_query_only=True) change_query = self._get_change_report(get_query_only=True) return baseline_query, upgrade_query, change_query upgrade_result = self._get_up_success_report(trim_missing_bs=trim).fillna(0) change_result = self._get_change_report().fillna(0) if get_query_only: return baseline_result, upgrade_result, change_result if 'success' in upgrade_result.columns: pa = round(100 * (upgrade_result['fail'] + upgrade_result['success']) / upgrade_result['Sum'], 1) upgrade_result['Applied %'] = pa pf = pd.concat([baseline_result, upgrade_result]) pf = pf.join(change_result).fillna(0) pf['no-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['no-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['true-ok-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-ok-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) pf['true-bad-chng %'] = round(100 * pf['true-bad-chng'] / pf['success'], 1) return pf
def get_successful_simulation_count(self, *, restrict: Sequence[tuple[Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label, sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column, str, MappedColumn], Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[int, str]]]]] = FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, default_factory=<class 'list'>, extra={}), get_query_only: bool = False)
Returns the count of successful simulation for the given restric condition in the baseline.
- The list of where condition to restrict the results to. It should be specified as a list of tuple.
[('state',['VA','AZ']), ("",['60% CFL']), ...]
- If set to true, returns the list of queries to run instead of the result.
Pandas integer counting the number of successful simulation
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def get_successful_simulation_count(self, *, restrict: Sequence[tuple[AnyColType, Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[int, str]]]]] = Field(default_factory=list), get_query_only: bool = False): """ Returns the count of successful simulation for the given restric condition in the baseline. Args: restrict: The list of where condition to restrict the results to. It should be specified as a list of tuple. Example: `[('state',['VA','AZ']), ("",['60% CFL']), ...]` get_query_only: If set to true, returns the list of queries to run instead of the result. Returns: Pandas integer counting the number of successful simulation """ query ="count")) restrict = list(restrict) if restrict else [] restrict.insert(0, (self._bsq.db_schema.column_names.completed_status, [self._bsq.db_schema.completion_values.success])) query = self._bsq._add_restrict(query, restrict, bs_only=True) if get_query_only: return self._bsq._compile(query) return self._bsq.execute(query)
def print_change_details(self, upgrade_id: int, yml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str, change_type: Literal['no-chng', 'bad-chng', 'ok-chng', 'true-bad-chng', 'true-ok-chng', 'null', 'any'] = 'no-chng')
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@validate_arguments(config=dict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, smart_union=True)) def print_change_details(self, upgrade_id: int, yml_file: str, opt_sat_path: str, change_type: Literal["no-chng", "bad-chng", "ok-chng", "true-bad-chng", "true-ok-chng", "null", "any"] = 'no-chng'): ua = self._bsq.get_upgrades_analyzer(yml_file, opt_sat_path) bad_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type=change_type) good_bids = self.get_buildings_by_change(upgrade_id=upgrade_id, change_type='ok-chng') ua.print_unique_characteristic(upgrade_id, change_type, good_bids, bad_bids)