Source code for bifacial_radiance.load

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module providing routines for loading and cleaning results from bifacial_radiance.
Bifacial_radiance results are .csv format files stored in a results folder
autogenerated in the location where the RadianceObj was set to build its scene.
If no path was provided for the RadianceObj to build its scene, it defaults to
TEMP folder in bifacial_radiance \\ bifacial_radiance

from deprecated import deprecated

''' DEPRECATED - doesn't work with python3
def load_inputvariablesfile(inputfile):
    Loads inputfile which must be in the bifacial_radiance directory,
    and must be a ``.py`` file with all the variables, and organizes the variables
    into dictionaries that it returns

    inputfile : str
        String of a ``.py`` file in the bifacial_radiance directory.

    simulationParamsDict : Dictionary
        Dictionary containing the parameters for performing the simulation,
        including simulation names, and types of sky, fixed or tracked systems:
            ========================  =======  =============================
            variable                   type         Description
            ========================  =======  =============================
            testfolder                str      Path to testfolder
            weatherfile               str      File (with path) to weatherfile
            getEPW                    bool     
            simulationname            str      Name for simulation
            moduletype                str      Module name as is / or will be defined in JSON
            rewritemodule             bool     If moduletype exists in JSON, True will rewrite with new parameters
            cellLevelmodule           bool        
            axisofrotationtorquetube  bool
            torqueTube                bool
            hpc                       bool
            tracking                  bool
            cumulativesky             bool
            daydateSimulation         bool
            selectTimes               bool
            ========================  =======  =============================
    sceneParamsDict : Dictionary 
        gcrorpitch, gcr, pitch, albedo, nMods, nRows, 
        hub_height, clearance_height, azimuth, hub_height, axis_Azimuth
    timeControlParamsDict : Dictionary      
        hourstart, hourend, daystart, dayend, monthstart, monthend,
        timestampstart, timestampend, 
    moduleParamsDict : Dictionary
        numpanels, x, y, bifi, xgap, ygap, zgap
    cellLevelModuleParamsDict : Dictionary
        numcellsx, numcellsy, xcell, ycell, xcellgap, ycellgap
    trackingParamsDict : Dictionary
        backtrack, limit_angle,angle_delta
    torquetubeParamsDict : Dictionary
         diameter, tubetype, torqueTubeMaterial
    analysisParamsDict : Dictionary
        sensorsy, modWanted, rowWanted
    import inputfile as ibf

    simulationParamsDict = {'testfolder':ibf.testfolder, 

    simulationControlDict = {'fixedortracked':ibf.fixedortracked,
                             'cumulativeSky': ibf.cumulativeSky,
                             'hpc': ibf.hpc,
                             'daydateSimulation': ibf.dayDateSimulation}
                             #'singleKeySimulation': ibf.singleKeySimulation,
                             #'singleKeyRangeSimulation': ibf.singleKeyRangeSimulation}

    timeControlParamsDict = {'timestampstart': ibf.timestampstart,
                             'timestampend': ibf.timestampend,
                             'startdate': ibf.startdate,
                             'enddate': ibf.enddate,
                             'singlekeystart': ibf.singlekeystart,
                             'singlekeyend': ibf.singlekeyend,

    moduleParamsDict = {'numpanels': ibf.numpanels, 'x': ibf.x, 'y': ibf.y,
                        'bifi': ibf.bifi, 'xgap': ibf.xgap,
                        'ygap': ibf.ygap, 'zgap': ibf.zgap}

    sceneParamsDict = {'gcr': ibf.gcr, 'pitch': ibf.pitch, 'albedo': ibf.albedo,
                       'nMods':ibf.nMods, 'nRows': ibf.nRows,
                       'azimuth': ibf.azimuth_ang, 'tilt': ibf.tilt,
                       'clearance_height': ibf.clearance_height, 'hub_height': ibf.hub_height,
                       'axis_azimuth': ibf.axis_azimuth}

    trackingParamsDict = {'backtrack': ibf.backtrack, 'limit_angle': ibf.limit_angle,
                          'angle_delta': ibf.angle_delta}

    # #TODO: Figure out how to return this optional return items.
    #cdeline: this isn't returned by the function ??
    torquetubeParamsDict = {'diameter': ibf.diameter, 'tubetype': ibf.tubetype,
                            'torqueTubeMaterial': ibf.torqueTubeMaterial}

    analysisParamsDict = {'sensorsy': ibf.sensorsy, 'modWanted': ibf.modWanted,
                          'rowWanted': ibf.rowWanted}

    cellLevelModuleParamsDict = {'numcellsx': ibf.numcellsx,
                                 'numcellsy': ibf.numcellsy,
                                 'xcell': ibf.xcell, 'ycell': ibf.ycell,
                                 'xcellgap': ibf.xcellgap, 'ycellgap': ibf.ycellgap}

    return(simulationParamsDict, simulationControlDict, timeControlParamsDict,
           moduleParamsDict, cellLevelModuleParamsDict, sceneParamsDict,
           trackingParamsDict, analysisParamsDict)


[docs]def loadRadianceObj(savefile=None): """ Load the pickled radiance object for further use Usage (once you're in the correct local directory):: demo = bifacial_radiance.loadRadianceObj(savefile) Parameters ---------- savefile : str Optional savefile name. Otherwise default to `save.pickle` """ import pickle if savefile is None: savefile = 'save.pickle' with open(savefile,'rb') as f: loadObj= pickle.load(f) print('Loaded file {}'.format(savefile)) return loadObj
[docs]def read1Result(selectfile): """ Loads in a bifacial_radiance results file ``.csv`` format, and return a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Parameters ---------- selectfile : str File name (with path if not in working folder) that has been produced by bifacial_radiance. Returns ------- resultsDF : :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with the bifacial_radiance .csv values read. """ import pandas as pd #resultsDict = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('results',selectfile)) resultsDF = pd.read_csv(selectfile) #return(np.array(temp['Wm2Front']), np.array(temp['Wm2Back'])) return resultsDF
# End read1Result subroutine
[docs]def cleanResult(resultsDF, matchers=None): """ Replace irradiance values with NaN's when the scan intersects ground, sky, or anything in `matchers`. Matchers are words in the dataframe like 'sky' or 'tube' in the front or back material description column that get substituted by NaN in Wm2Front and Wm2Back There are default matchers established in this routine but other matchers can be passed. Default matchers: 'sky', 'tube', 'pole', 'ground', '3267', '1540'. Matchers 3267 and 1540 is to get rid of inner-sides of the module. Parameters ---------- resultsDF : :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame of results from bifacial_radiance, for example read from :py:class:`~bifacial_radiance.load.read1Result` Returns -------- resultsDF : :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Updated resultsDF """ import numpy as np if matchers is None: matchers = ['sky','pole','tube','bar','ground', '3267', '1540'] if ('mattype' in resultsDF) & ('Wm2Front' in resultsDF) : resultsDF.loc[resultsDF.mattype.str.contains('|'.join(matchers)),'Wm2Front'] = np.nan if ('rearMat' in resultsDF) & ('Wm2Back' in resultsDF) : resultsDF.loc[resultsDF.rearMat.str.contains('|'.join(matchers)),'Wm2Back'] = np.nan return resultsDF
[docs]def loadTrackerDict(trackerdict, fileprefix=None): """ Load a trackerdict by reading all files in the `\\results` directory. fileprefix is used to select only certain matching files in `\\results` It will then save the `Wm2Back`, `Wm2Front` and `backRatio` by reading in all valid files in the `\\results` directory. Note: it will match any file ending in `_key.csv` Parameters ---------- trackerdict : You need to pass in a valid trackerdict with correct keys from :py:class:`~bifacial_radiance.RadianceObj.set1axis` fileprefix : str Optional parameter to specify the initial part of the savefile prior to '_key.csv' Returns ------- trackerdict : Dictionary Dictionary with additional keys ``Wm2Back``, ``Wm2Front``, ``backRatio`` totaldict : Dictionary totalized dictionary with ``Wm2Back``, ``Wm2Front``. Also ``numfiles`` (number of csv files loaded) and ``finalkey`` (last index file in directory) """ # TODO: get this module working import re, os import numpy as np # get list of filenames in \results\ filelist = sorted(os.listdir('results')) print('{} files in the directory'.format(filelist.__len__())) i = 0 # counter to track # files loaded. for key in sorted(trackerdict): if fileprefix is None: r = re.compile(".*_" + re.escape(key) + ".csv") else: r = re.compile(fileprefix + re.escape(key) + ".csv") try: selectfile = list(filter(r.match,filelist))[0] i += 1 except IndexError: continue resultsDF = read1Result(os.path.join('results',selectfile)) #return dataframe resultsDF = cleanResult(resultsDF) # remove invalid materials Wm2Front = np.array(resultsDF['Wm2Front']) Wm2Back = np.array(resultsDF['Wm2Back']) try: Wm2FrontTotal += Wm2Front Wm2BackTotal += Wm2Back except NameError: Wm2FrontTotal = Wm2Front Wm2BackTotal = Wm2Back trackerdict[key]['Wm2Front'] = list(Wm2Front) trackerdict[key]['Wm2Back'] = list(Wm2Back) trackerdict[key]['backRatio'] = list(Wm2Back / Wm2Front) finalkey = key # == TS: LoadTrackerDict failure 'Wm2FrontTotal' == totaldict = {'Wm2Front':Wm2FrontTotal, 'Wm2Back':Wm2BackTotal, 'numfiles':i, 'finalkey':finalkey} print('Files loaded: {}; Wm2Front_avg: {:0.1f}; Wm2Rear_avg: {:0.1f}'.format(i, np.nanmean(Wm2FrontTotal), np.nanmean(Wm2BackTotal) )) print('final key loaded: {}'.format(finalkey)) return(trackerdict, totaldict)
#end loadTrackerDict subroutine. set demo.Wm2Front = totaldict.Wm2Front. demo.Wm2Back = totaldict.Wm2Back def _exportTrackerDict(trackerdict, savefile, reindex): """ Save a TrackerDict output as a ``.csv`` file. Parameters ---------- trackerdict : Dictionary The tracker dictionary to save savefile : str Path to .csv save file location reindex : bool Boolean indicating if trackerdict should be resampled to include all 8760 hours in the year (even those when the sun is not up and irradiance results is empty). """ from pandas import DataFrame as df import numpy as np import pandas as pd print("Exporting TrackerDict") # convert trackerdict into dataframe d = df.from_dict(trackerdict,orient='index',columns=['dhi','ghi','Wm2Back','Wm2Front','theta','surf_tilt','surf_azm','clearance_height', 'effective_irradiance', 'Pout_module']) d['Wm2BackAvg'] = [np.nanmean(i) for i in d['Wm2Back']] d['Wm2FrontAvg'] = [np.nanmean(i) for i in d['Wm2Front']] # Search for module object bifaciality try: keys = list(trackerdict.keys()) bifacialityfactor = trackerdict[keys[0]]['scene'].module.bifi except: bifacialityfactor = 1.0 print("Bifaciality factor of module not found, setting to ", bifacialityfactor, "for BifiRatio calculation") d['BifiRatio'] = d['Wm2BackAvg'] * bifacialityfactor / d['Wm2FrontAvg'] if reindex is True: # change to proper timestamp and interpolate to get 8760 output d['measdatetime'] = d.index d=d.set_index(pd.to_datetime(d['measdatetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M')) d=d.resample('H').asfreq() d.to_csv(savefile)
[docs]@deprecated(reason='load.deepcleanResult has been abandoned'+\ ' Please use load.cleanResult instead', version='0.5.0') def deepcleanResult(resultsDict, sensorsy, numpanels, automatic=True): """ Cleans results file read by read1Result. If automatic = False, user is asked to select material of the module (usually the one with the most results) and removes sky, ground, and other materials (side of module, for example). If you pass in results from a file with only _Front or _Back parameters, only the corresponding Frontresults or Backresults will be returned. .. deprecated:: 0.5.0 This cleaning routine is deprecated in favor of :func:`cleanResult` which is more stable Parameters ----------- sensorsy : int For the interpolation routine. Can be more than original sensorsy or same value. numpanels : int Options are 1 or 2 panels for this function. automatic : bool Default True. Automaticatlly detects module and ignores Ground, torque tube and sky values. If set to off, user gets queried about the right surfaces. Returns ------- Frontresults : :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with only front-irradiance values for the module material selected, length is the number of sensors desired. Backresults : :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with only rear-irradiance values for the module material selected, length is the number of sensors desired. """ # #TODO: add automatization of panel select. import numpy as np def interp_sub(panelDict, sensorsy, frontbackkey): """ Parameters ----------- panelDict : Dictionary resultsDict filtered for either panelA or panelB from above. sensorsy : int Number of y sensors to interpolate to frontbackkey : str Either 'Wm2Front' or 'Wm2Back' """ x_0 = np.linspace(0, len(panelDict)-1, len(panelDict)) x_i = np.linspace(0, len(panelDict)-1, int(sensorsy)) interp_out = np.interp(x_i, x_0, panelDict[frontbackkey]) return interp_out def filter_sub(resultsDict, sensorsy, frontmask, backmask=None): """ filter_sub: filter resultsDict to accept points where front and rear materials match the list of strings in frontmask and backmask. Parameters ---------- panelDict : Dictionary resultsDict to filter frontmask / backmask: List list of material string values to filter for, one entry per panel. """ mask = np.zeros(len(resultsDict)) for i in range(len(frontmask)): try: temp_mask = (resultsDict['mattype'].str.contains(frontmask[i]) ) except KeyError: temp_mask = np.ones(len(resultsDict)) if backmask: temp_mask = temp_mask & (resultsDict['rearMat'].str.contains(backmask[i])) mask = mask | temp_mask if backmask: try: Frontresults = interp_sub(resultsDict[mask], sensorsy, 'Wm2Front') except KeyError: # no Wm2Front data passed - rear data only. Frontresults = None Backresults = interp_sub(resultsDict[mask], sensorsy, 'Wm2Back') else: Frontresults = interp_sub(resultsDict[mask], sensorsy, resultsDict.columns[-1]) Backresults = None return Frontresults, Backresults if automatic == True: # by default, these are the material values attached to bifacial_radiance # modules if 'mattype' in resultsDict: frontmask = ['PVmodule.6457'] else: frontmask = ['PVmodule.2310'] # result only has _Back file passed if 'rearMat' in resultsDict: backmask = ['PVmodule.2310'] else: backmask = None else: # user-defined front and back material pairs to select. one per numpanel frontmask = [] backmask = [] try: # User-entered front materials to select for fronttypes = resultsDict.groupby('mattype').count() print("Front type materials index and occurrences: ") for i in range (len(fronttypes)): print(i, " --> ", fronttypes['x'][i] , " :: ", fronttypes.index[i]) for i in range(numpanels): val = int(input(f"Panel a{i} Front material ")) frontmask.append(fronttypes.index[val]) except KeyError: # no front mattype options to be selected pass try: # User-eneterd rear materials to select for backtypes = resultsDict.groupby('rearMat').count() if 'rearMat' in resultsDict: print("Rear type materials index and occurrences: ") for i in range (len(backtypes)): print(i, " --> ", backtypes['x'][i] , " :: ", backtypes.index[i]) for i in range(numpanels): val = int(input(f"Panel a{i} Rear material ")) backmask.append(backtypes.index[val]) except KeyError: # no rear materials to be selected pass # now that we know what material names to look for, filter resultsDict for # them, removing frames, sky, torque tube, etc. Frontresults, Backresults = filter_sub(resultsDict, sensorsy, frontmask, backmask) return Frontresults, Backresults; # End Deep clean Result subroutine.
[docs]def readconfigurationinputfile(inifile=None): """ Function to read configurationinput file for a bifacial_radiance simulation. Parameters ---------- input : str Filename with extension .ini to read in Returns ------- simulationParamsDict : Dictionary sceneParamsDict : Dictionary timeControlParamsDict : Dictionary moduleParamsDict : Dictionary trackingParamsDict : Dictionary torquetubeParamsDict : Dictionary analysisParamsDict : Dictionary cellModuleDict : Dictionary frameParamsDict : Dictionary omegaParamsDict : Dictionary """ ## #TODO: check if modulename exists on jason and rewrite is set to false, then #don't save moduleParamsDict? Discuss. import configparser import os import ast def boolConvert(d): """ convert strings 'True' and 'False' to boolean and convert numbers to float """ for key,value in d.items(): if value.lower() == 'true': d[key] = True elif value.lower() == 'false': d[key] = False try: d[key] = float(value) except ValueError: pass return d if inifile is None: inifile = os.path.join("data","default.ini") config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.optionxform = str config.read_file(open(inifile, 'r')) confdict = {section: dict(config.items(section)) for section in config.sections()} if config.has_section("simulationParamsDict"): simulationParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['simulationParamsDict']) else: raise Exception("Missing simulationParamsDict! Breaking") if config.has_section("sceneParamsDict"): sceneParamsDict2 = boolConvert(confdict['sceneParamsDict']) else: raise Exception("Missing sceneParams Dictionary! Breaking") if simulationParamsDict['selectTimes']: if config.has_section("timeControlParamsDict"): timeControlParamsDict = confdict['timeControlParamsDict'] if simulationParamsDict['getEPW']: try: simulationParamsDict['latitude'] = float(simulationParamsDict['latitude']) simulationParamsDict['longitude'] = float(simulationParamsDict['longitude']) except: if 'weatherFile' in simulationParamsDict: try: os.path.exists(simulationParamsDict['weatherFile']) simulationParamsDict['getEPW'] = False print("Load Warning: latitude or longitude missing/nan in input file.",\ "Since a valid weatherfile was found in the input file,",\ "simulationParamsDict['getepw'] has been set to false and weather file",\ " will be read instead.") except: simulationParamsDict['latitude'] = 33.0 simulationParamsDict['longitude'] = -110.0 print("Load Warning: latitude or longitude missing/nan in input file.",\ "Weather file was attempted to read but was invalid address/notfound,",\ "so default values will be used,",\ "latitud: %s, longitude: %s" % (simulationParamsDict['latitude'], simulationParamsDict['longitude'])) else: simulationParamsDict['latitude'] = 33.0 simulationParamsDict['longitude'] = -110.0 print("Load Warning: latitude or longitude missing/nan in input file.",\ "No Weather file was passed, so default values will be used,",\ "latitud: %s, longitude: %s" % (simulationParamsDict['latitude'], simulationParamsDict['longitude'])) if config.has_section("moduleParamsDict"): moduleParamsDict2 = boolConvert(confdict['moduleParamsDict']) moduleParamsDict={} # Defining a new one to only save relevant values from passed. try: moduleParamsDict['bifi'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['bifi']),2) except: moduleParamsDict['bifi'] = 0.9 #Default print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['bifi'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['bifi'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['numpanels'] = int(moduleParamsDict2['numpanels']) except: moduleParamsDict['numpanels'] = 1 #Default print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['numpanels'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['numpanels'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['xgap'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['xgap']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['xgap'] = 0.01 #Default print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['xgap'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['xgap'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['ygap'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['ygap']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['ygap'] = 0.150 #Default print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['ygap'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['ygap'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['zgap'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['zgap']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['zgap'] = 0.1 #Default print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['zgap'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['zgap'] ) if 'glass' in moduleParamsDict2: moduleParamsDict['glass'] = moduleParamsDict2['glass'] if moduleParamsDict2.get('glassEdge'): moduleParamsDict['glassEdge'] = moduleParamsDict2['glassEdge'] if simulationParamsDict['cellLevelModule']: if config.has_section("cellLevelModuleParamsDict"): cellModuleDict = confdict['cellLevelModuleParamsDict'] try: # being lazy so just validating the whole dictionary as a whole. #TODO: validate individually maybe. cellModuleDict['numcellsx'] = int(cellModuleDict['numcellsx']) cellModuleDict['numcellsy'] = int(cellModuleDict['numcellsy']) cellModuleDict['xcell'] = round(float(cellModuleDict['xcell']),3) cellModuleDict['xcellgap'] = round(float(cellModuleDict['xcellgap']),3) cellModuleDict['ycell'] = round(float(cellModuleDict['ycell']),3) cellModuleDict['ycellgap'] = round(float(cellModuleDict['ycellgap']),3) if 'centerJB' in cellModuleDict: cellModuleDict['centerJB'] = round(float(cellModuleDict['centerJB']),3) except: print("Load Warning: celllevelModule set to True,",\ "but celllevelModule parameters are missing/not numbers.") try: moduleParamsDict['x'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['x']),3) moduleParamsDict['y'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['y']),3) simulationParamsDict['celllevelmodule'] = False print("Due to error on celllevelModule info, ",\ "celllevelModule has ben set to False and the", \ "passed values of x and y on moduleParamsDict will",\ "be used to generate the custom module") except: print("Attempted to load x and y instead of celllevelModule parameters,",\ "Failed, so default values for cellLevelModule will be passed") cellModuleDict['numcellsx'] = 12 cellModuleDict['numcellsy'] = 6 cellModuleDict['xcell'] = 0.15 cellModuleDict['xcellgap'] = 0.1 cellModuleDict['ycell'] = 0.15 cellModuleDict['ycellgap'] = 0.1 else: # no cellleveldictionary passed print("Load Warning: celllevelmodule selected, but no dictionary was passed in input file.",\ "attempting to proceed with regular custom module and setting celllevelmodule to false") simulationParamsDict['celllevelmodule'] = False try: moduleParamsDict['x'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['x']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['x'] = 0.98 print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['x'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['x'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['y'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['y']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['y'] = 1.95 print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['y'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['y'] ) else: # no cell level module requested: try: moduleParamsDict['x'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['x']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['x'] = 0.98 print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['x'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['x'] ) try: moduleParamsDict['y'] = round(float(moduleParamsDict2['y']),3) except: moduleParamsDict['y'] = 1.95 print("Load Warning: moduleParamsDict['y'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % moduleParamsDict['y'] ) if simulationParamsDict['selectTimes']: if ('starttime' in timeControlParamsDict) or ('endtime' in timeControlParamsDict): print("Loading times to restrict weather data to") else: print("Load Warning: no valid time to restrict weather data passed" "Simulating default day 06/21 at noon") timeControlParamsDict['starttime']='06_21_12' timeControlParamsDict['endtime']='06_21_12' #NEEDED sceneParamsDict parameters sceneParamsDict={} try: sceneParamsDict['albedo']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['albedo']),2) except: sceneParamsDict['albedo']=sceneParamsDict2['albedo'] #print("Load Warning: sceneParamsDict['albedo'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % sceneParamsDict['albedo'] ) try: sceneParamsDict['nMods']=int(sceneParamsDict2['nMods']) except: sceneParamsDict['nMods']=20 print("Load Warning: sceneParamsDict['nMods'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % sceneParamsDict['nMods'] ) try: sceneParamsDict['nRows']=int(sceneParamsDict2['nRows']) except: sceneParamsDict['nRows']=7 print("Load Warning: sceneParamsDict['nRows'] not specified, setting to default value: %s" % sceneParamsDict['nRows'] ) #Optional sceneParamsDict parameters sceneParamsDict['gcrorpitch'] = sceneParamsDict2['gcrorpitch'] if sceneParamsDict['gcrorpitch'] == 'gcr': sceneParamsDict['gcr']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['gcr']),3) else: sceneParamsDict['pitch']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['pitch']),2) if simulationParamsDict['tracking']: if 'axis_aziumth' in sceneParamsDict2: azimuth = sceneParamsDict2['axis_azimuth'] elif sceneParamsDict2.get('azimuth'): azimuth = sceneParamsDict2.get('azimuth') else: raise Exception(f'Neither "axis_azimuth" or "azimuth" in .inifile {inifile}' ) sceneParamsDict['azimuth']=round(float(azimuth),2) sceneParamsDict['hub_height']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['hub_height']),2) if config.has_section("trackingParamsDict"): trackingParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['trackingParamsDict']) printTrackerWarning = False else: trackingParamsDict={} printTrackerWarning = True if 'limit_angle' in trackingParamsDict: trackingParamsDict['limit_angle']=round(float(trackingParamsDict['limit_angle']), 0) else: trackingParamsDict['limit_angle']=60 if 'angle_delta' in trackingParamsDict: try: trackingParamsDict['angle_delta']=round(float(trackingParamsDict['angle_delta']), 2) except: trackingParamsDict['angle_delta']=1 else: trackingParamsDict['angle_delta'] = (5 if simulationParamsDict['cumulativeSky'] else 0.01) if 'backtrack' not in trackingParamsDict: trackingParamsDict['backtrack']=5 if printTrackerWarning: print("Load warning: tracking selected, but no tracking parameters specified.",\ "Using defaults for limit angle: 60; angle delta: %s, backtracking: True" % trackingParamsDict['angle_delta']) else: # fixed sceneParamsDict['azimuth']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['azimuth']),2) sceneParamsDict['clearance_height']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['clearance_height']),2) sceneParamsDict['tilt']=round(float(sceneParamsDict2['tilt']),2) # if simulationParamsDict['torqueTube']: if config.has_section("torquetubeParamsDict"): torquetubeParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['torquetubeParamsDict']) try: torquetubeParamsDict['diameter'] = round(float(torquetubeParamsDict['diameter']),3) except: torquetubeParamsDict['diameter'] = 0.150 print("Load Warning: torquetubeParamsDict['diameter'] not " "specified, setting to default value: %s" % torquetubeParamsDict['diameter'] ) #TODO: Validate for torquetube material and torquetube shape. else: print("Load warning: torquetubeParams dictionary not passed, but torquetube set to true.",\ "settung torquetube to false") simulationParamsDict['torquetube'] = False #TODO: decide if default values passed if this is set to true ? #Optional analysisParamsDict if config.has_section("analysisParamsDict"): analysisParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['analysisParamsDict']) try: analysisParamsDict['sensorsy']=ast.literal_eval(str(analysisParamsDict['sensorsy'])) except ValueError: print("Load Warning: improper analysisParamsDict['sensorsy']" " passed: %s, setting to default value: 9" % analysisParamsDict['sensorsy'] ) analysisParamsDict['sensorsy'] = 9 #Default try: analysisParamsDict['modWanted']=int(analysisParamsDict['modWanted']) except: analysisParamsDict['modWanted'] = None #Default print("analysisParamsDict['modWanted'] set to middle module by default" ) try: analysisParamsDict['rowWanted']=int(analysisParamsDict['rowWanted']) except: analysisParamsDict['rowWanted'] = None #Default print("analysisParamsDict['rowWanted'] set to middle row by default" ) if "frameParamsDict" in confdict: frameParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['frameParamsDict']) else: frameParamsDict = None if "omegaParamsDict" in confdict: omegaParamsDict = boolConvert(confdict['omegaParamsDict']) else: omegaParamsDict = None # Creating None dictionaries for those empty ones try: timeControlParamsDict except: timeControlParamsDict = None try: moduleParamsDict except: moduleParamsDict = None try: trackingParamsDict except: trackingParamsDict = None try: torquetubeParamsDict except: torquetubeParamsDict = None try: analysisParamsDict except: analysisParamsDict = None try: cellModuleDict except: cellModuleDict = None # end readconfigurationinputfile return (simulationParamsDict, sceneParamsDict, timeControlParamsDict, moduleParamsDict, trackingParamsDict, torquetubeParamsDict, analysisParamsDict, cellModuleDict, frameParamsDict, omegaParamsDict)
[docs]def savedictionariestoConfigurationIniFile(simulationParamsDict, sceneParamsDict, timeControlParamsDict=None, moduleParamsDict=None, trackingParamsDict=None, torquetubeParamsDict=None, analysisParamsDict=None, cellModuleDict=None, frameParamsDict=None, omegaParamsDict=None, inifilename=None): """ Saves dictionaries from working memory into a Configuration File with extension format .ini. Parameters ---------- simulationParamsDict sceneParamsDict timeControlParamsDict Default None moduleParamsDict Default None trackingParamsDict Default None torquetubeParamsDict Default None analysisParamsDict Default None, cellModuleDict Default None Returns ------- Writes output into inifilename passed (default if inifilename=None is 'example.ini') """ import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.optionxform = str config['simulationParamsDict'] = simulationParamsDict config['sceneParamsDict'] = sceneParamsDict try: config['timeControlParamsDict'] = timeControlParamsDict except: pass try: config['moduleParamsDict'] = moduleParamsDict except: pass try: config['trackingParamsDict'] = trackingParamsDict except: pass try: config['torquetubeParamsDict'] = torquetubeParamsDict except: pass try: config['analysisParamsDict'] = analysisParamsDict except: pass try: config['cellLevelModuleParamsDict'] = cellModuleDict except: pass if frameParamsDict: try: config['frameParamsDict'] = frameParamsDict except: pass if omegaParamsDict: try: config['omegaParamsDict'] = omegaParamsDict except: pass if inifilename is None: inifilename = 'example.ini' with open(inifilename, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)
''' ## abandoned project to refactor this module... class Params(): """ Model configuration parameters. Including the following: Parameters ---------- simulationParams testfolder, weatherfile, getEPW, simulationname, moduletype, rewritemodule, rcellLevelmodule, axisofrotationtorquetube, torqueTube, hpc, tracking, cumulativesky, selectTimes sceneParams: gcrorpitch, gcr, pitch, albedo, nMods, nRows, hub_height, clearance_height, azimuth, hub_height, axis_Azimuth timeControlParams: hourstart, hourend, daystart, dayend, monthstart, monthend, timestampstart, timestampend, moduleParams: numpanels, x, y, bifi, xgap, ygap, zgap cellLevelModuleParams: numcellsx, numcellsy, xcell, ycell, xcellgap, ycellgap trackingParams: backtrack, limit_angle,angle_delta torquetubeParams: diameter, tubetype, torqueTubeMaterial analysisParams: sensorsy, modWanted, rowWanted """ # #DocumentationCheck : add to updates # cdeline 5/9/19: new class to try to make some sense of these model parameters? def __init__(self, simulationParams=None, sceneParams=None, timeControlParams=None, moduleParams=None, cellLevelModuleParams=None, trackingParams=None, torquetubeParams=None, analysisParams=None): self.simulationParams = simulationParams self.sceneParams = sceneParams self.timeControlParams = timeControlParams self.moduleParams = moduleParams self.cellLevelModuleParams = cellLevelModuleParams self.trackingParams = trackingParams self.torquetubeParams = torquetubeParams self.analysisParams = analysisParams def unpack(self): return self.simulationParams, \ self.sceneParams, \ self.timeControlParams, \ self.moduleParams, \ self.trackingParams, \ self.torquetubeParams, \ self.analysisParams, \ self.cellLevelModuleParams '''