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T3CO Output Parameters Descriptions

T3CO Output Parameter Description Data type(s)
selection Selection number of vehicle/scenario int
scenario_name Name of the selected scenario/vehicle string
veh_year Current year int
veh_pt_type Vehicle powertrain type string
pareto_front_number Optimization solution number from pareto front int
run_time_[s] T3CO run time for selected vehicle/scenario float
algorithm Algorithm for pymoo optimization. From  ["NSGA2", "PatternSearch"] string
n_gen Number of generations of genetic algorithm optimization int
fvals_over_gens Optimization objective space values across generations float
design_cyc_trace_miss_dist_frac Fractional difference between achieved cumulative distance and prescribed cumulative distance. If composite drivecycle is input, the distance trace miss is output as a list dict/list[dict]
design_cyc_trace_miss_time_frac Fractional difference between achieved time when trace miss is and prescribed cumulative distance. If composite drivecycle is input, the time trace miss is output as a list dict/list[dict]
design_cyc_trace_miss_speed_mps Maximum speed (mps) by which vehicle’s speed falls behind prescribed speed trace. If composite drivecycle is input, the time trace miss is output as a list dict/list[dict]
design_cycle_EA_err Fractional difference between achieved energy consumption vs consumption estimated based on the input drivecycle. Checks for conservation of energy in the simulated results. dict/list[dict]
accel_EA_err Fractional difference between achieved energy consumption vs consumption estimated based on the acceleration test drivecycle with current vehicle mass.  Checks for conservation of energy in the simulated results dict/list[dict]
accel_loaded_EA_err Fractional difference between achieved energy consumption vs consumption estimated based on the acceleration test drivecycle with fully laden vehicle. Checks for conservation of energy in the simulated results dict/list[dict]
grade_6_EA_err Fractional difference between achieved energy consumption vs consumption estimated based on the 6 % gradeability test drivecycle with fully laden vehicle.  Checks for conservation of energy in the simulated results dict/list[dict]
grade_1p25_EA_err Fractional difference between achieved energy consumption vs consumption estimated based on the 1.25 % gradeability test drivecycle with fully laden vehicle.  Checks for conservation of energy in the simulated results dict/list[dict]
final_cda_pct Optimization result for percent improvement in Cd*A (drag coefficient times frontal area) - based on aero drag improvement curve float
final_eng_eff_pct Optimization result for percent improvement in engine efficiency - based on engine efficiency improvement curve float
final_ltwt_pct Optimization result for percent improvement in vehicle mass - based on lightweighting improvement curve float
final_max_motor_kw Optimization result for motor power in kW - bound between scenario.knob_min_motor_kw and scenario.knob_max_motor_kw float
final_battery_kwh Optimization result for ESS max capacity in kWh - bound between scenario.knob_min_ess_kwh and scenario.knob_max_ess_kwh float
final_max_fc_kw Optimization result for fuel converter max power in kW - bound between scenario.knob_min_fc_kw and scenario.knob_max_fc_kw float
final_fs_kwh Optimization result for fuel storage max capacity in kWh - bound between scenario.knob_min_fs_kwh and scenario.knob_max_fs_kwh float
range_ach_mi Range achieved by vehicle based on drivecycle simulation float
target_range_mi Target range constraint for design vehicle during optimization float
delta_range_mi Difference between range achieved from simulation and target range of the design vehicle float
min_speed_at_6pct_grade_in_5min_ach_mph Final speed achieved by design vehicle during 6 % gradeability test run for 5 mins float
target_min_speed_at_6pct_grade_in_5min_mph Target speed for design vehicle during 6 % gradeability test run for 5 mins float
delta_min_speed_at_6pct_grade_in_5min_mph Difference between final speed achieved and target speed during 6% gradeability test float
min_speed_at_1p25pct_grade_in_5min_ach_mph Final speed achieved by design vehicle during 1.25 % gradeability test run for 5 mins float
target_min_speed_at_1p25pct_grade_in_5min_mph Target speed for design vehicle during 1.25 % gradeability test run for 5 mins float
delta_min_speed_at_1p25pct_grade_in_5min_mph Difference between final speed achieved and target speed during 1.25% gradeability test float
max_time_0_to_60mph_at_gvwr_ach_s Time taken achieved by fully laden design vehicle during acceleration for 0 to 60mph float
target_max_time_0_to_60mph_at_gvwr_s Target time taken for fully laden design vehicle during acceleration for 0 to 60mph float
delta_max_time_0_to_60mph_at_gvwr_s Difference between time taken by simulated vehicle and target time for fully laden acceleration test from 0 to 60mph float
max_time_0_to_30mph_at_gvwr_ach_s Time taken achieved by fully laden design vehicle during acceleration for 0 to 30mph float
target_max_time_0_to_30mph_at_gvwr_s Target time taken for fully laden design vehicle during acceleration for 0 to 30mph float
delta_max_time_0_to_30mph_at_gvwr_s Difference between time taken by simulated vehicle and target time for fully laden acceleration test from 0 to 30mph float
glider_cost_dol Estimated glider component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
fuel_converter_cost_dol Estimated fuel converter component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
fuel_storage_cost_dol Estimated fuel storage component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
motor_control_power_elecs_cost_dol Estimated motor and power electronics component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
plug_cost_dol Estimated plugin charger component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
battery_cost_dol Estimated battery/ESS component cost in dollars - contributes to MSRP float
purchase_tax_dol Estimated purchased/excise tax  in dollars - calculated from MSRP float
msrp_total_dol Estimated manufacturer's suggested retail price in dollars - calculated from vehicle component costs float
total_fuel_cost_dol Estimated fuel operating cost in dollars - calculated from energy consumption and fuel prices float
total_maintenance_cost_dol Estimated maintenance operating cost in dollars - calculated from VMT and scenario.maint_oper_cost_dol_per_mi float
mpgge Miles per Gallon of Gasoline Equivalent - from drivecycle simulation float
grid_mpgge Miles per Gallon of Gasoline Equivalent effect to grid - mpgge times charger efficiency float
mpgde Miles per Gallon of Diesel Equivalent - from drivecycle simulation float
kwh_per_mi Energy spent per mile of operation - estimated from drivecycle simulation float
payload_cap_cost_multiplier Lost payload capacity opportunity cost factor - represents the fractionally extra vehicle required to compensate for reduced payload capacity compared to conventional vehicle - Currently only for Class 8 vehicles float
total_fueling_dwell_time_hr Total dwell time of vehicle due to fueling/charging - used to estimate downtime opportunity cost float
total_mr_downtime_hr Total dwell time of vehicle due to maintenance & repair (planned, unplanned, and tire replacement) - used to estimate downtime opportunity cost float
total_downtime_hr Total downtime due to fueling/charging and maintenance events float
fueling_dwell_labor_cost_dol Estimated labor cost incurred during fueling/charging dwell time float
fueling_downtime_oppy_cost_dol Estimated opportunity cost associated with fueling/charging dwell time float
mr_downtime_oppy_cost_dol Estimated labor cost incurred during maintenance & repair downtime float
discounted_downtime_oppy_cost_dol Estimated discounted opportunity cost for both fueling dwell time and M&R downtime in dollars - estimation is based on config.TCO_method float
payload_capacity_cost_dol Lost payload capacity opportunity cost in dollars - estimated from payload_cap_cost_multiplier and estimated tco float
insurance_cost_dol Estimated insurance cost of vehicle in dollars - estimated from MSRP and scenario.insurance_rates_pct_per_yr float
residual_cost_dol Estimated residual cost of vehicle in dollars (residual value is the negative of residual cost) float
discounted_tco_dol Estimated discounted Total Cost of Ownership in dollars - Calculated using one of DIRECT or EFFICIENCY method from different cost components, discounted year over year at a rate of scenario.discount_rate_pct_per_yr, and calculated for scenario.vehicle_life_yr float