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Scenario Input Parameters Descriptions

Scenario Input Parameter Description Data Type(s) Accepted
selection Selection number that is used to match with the corresponding vehicles on the Demo_FY22_vehicle_assumptions.csv file int
scenario_name Name of the vehicle and scenario - Includes names string
veh_year Current year int
drive_cycle Relative filepath of drivecycle input file(s) from /t3co/resources/cycles/ folder - accepts single drivecyle path, composite cycles (for example: '[("EPA_Ph2_rural_interstate_65mph.csv", .86), ("EPA_Ph2_urban_highway_55mph.csv", .09), ("EPA_Ph2_transient.csv", .05)]'), or path to folder containing multiple drivecycles (results in corresponding number of scenarios) string
vmt_reduct_per_yr not used
vmt Vehicle Miles Traveled as an array/list with length>=vehicle_life_yr list[int]
constant_trip_distance_mi not used
vehicle_life_yr Number of years to calculate TCO for - generally the expected life of the vehicle in years int
desired_ess_replacements not used
discount_rate_pct_per_yr Discount rate per year as a fraction/year to account for time value of money and alternative investment opportunities. This is applied as a constant rate for TCO cost components float
ess_max_charging_power_kw Maximum charging power available in kW (infrastructure dependent) for ESS (Energy Storage Systems like Li-ion battery packs) in xEVs float
ess_cost_dol_per_kw not used
ess_cost_dol_per_kwh Cost of ESS in dollars per kWh of capacity float
ess_base_cost_dol Cost of ESSs packaging in dollars that is added to vehicle.ess_max_kwh * scenario.ess_cost_dol_per_kwh to estimate total ESS cost float
ess_cost_reduction_dol_per_yr Reduction of ESS cost per year - not used float
ess_salvage_value_dol Salvage Value of ESS at end of vehicle_life_yr - not used float
pe_mc_cost_dol_per_kw Cost of Power Electronics and Motor Controllers in dollars per kW float
pe_mc_base_cost_dol Cost of Power Electronics and Motor Controllers baseline that is added to vehicle.mc_max_kw * scenario.pe_mc_cost_dol_per_kw to estimate total PE&MC cost float
fc_ice_cost_dol_per_kw Cost of Internal Combustion Engine per kW of power for Conventional vehicles float
fc_ice_base_cost_dol Cost of Fuel Convertor baseline that is added to vehicle.fc_max_kw * scenario.fc_ice_cost_dol_per_kw to estimate total FC cost baseline that is added to vehicle.fc_max_kw * scenario.fc_ice_cost_dol_per_kw to estimate total FC cost" float
fc_fuelcell_cost_dol_per_kw Cost of Hydrogen fuel cells per kW of power for FCEVs float
fs_cost_dol_per_kwh Cost of liquid fuel storage tanks per kWh of capacity for liquid fuel like diesel/gasoline float
fs_h2_cost_dol_per_kwh Cost of gas fuel storage tanks per kWh of capacity for gaseous fuel like hydrogen float
fs_fueling_rate_kg_per_min Fill rate in kg per min (KPM) for gaseous fuels like hydrogen, propane - infrastructure dependent float
fs_fueling_rate_gasoline_gpm Fill rate in gallons per min (GPM) for gasoline - infrastructure dependent float
fs_fueling_rate_diesel_gpm Fill rate in gallons per min (GPM) for diesel - infrastructure dependent float
plug_base_cost_dol Cost of plugin connections on certain xEVs float
markup_pct Markup on price of vehicle as percentage of MSRP (eg., 1.20 means 20% markup_pct on MSRP) float
tax_rate_pct Registration and other taxes during time of purchase as percent on the MSRP (eg., 0.125 means 12.5% of MSRP) float
fc_cng_ice_cost_dol_per_kw Cost of CNG engine per kW of max power float
fs_cng_cost_dol_per_kwh Cost of CNG fuel storage per kWh of max fuel tank capacity float
vehicle_glider_cost_dol Cost of glider (vehicle without powertrain) in dollars float
segment_name Name of the vehicle type or fleet name string
gvwr_kg Gross Vehicle Weight Rating upper limit in kg for the vehicle's weight class float
gvwr_credit_kg Additional allowable weight in kg for advanced vehicles (eg. 2000lb credit for Class 8 BEVs) float
fuel_type Fuel name - should be one of : ['diesel', 'gasoline', 'hydrogen', 'electricity', 'cng']. For hybrids, use the primary fuel string
maint_oper_cost_dol_per_mi Vehicle maintenance operating cost in dollars per mile traveled as vector of length equal to number of TCO years list[float]
vocation Vocation of the vehicle - only for user reference string
model_year Vehicle model year int
region Region name is used as a key to find the right fuel prices for the analysis. Refer to /t3co/resources/FuelPrices.csv for region name string
target_range_mi Target range in miles to be achieved by the optimized vehicle float
min_speed_at_6pct_grade_in_5min_mph Minimum speed in miles/hour for the optimized vehicle to attain from 0 mph in 5 mins for a 6 percent gradeability test float
min_speed_at_1p25pct_grade_in_5min_mph Minimum speed in miles/hour for the optimized vehicle to attain from 0 mph in 5 mins for a 1.25 percent gradeability test float
max_time_0_to_60mph_at_gvwr_s Maximum time taken by optimized vehicle (at GVWR weight limit) to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph - acceleration test float
max_time_0_to_30mph_at_gvwr_s Maximum time taken by optimized vehicle (at GVWR weight limit) to accelerate from 0 to 30 mph - acceleration test float
lw_imp_curve_sel Complete file path to light weighting improvement curve - cost vs weight reduced string
eng_eff_imp_curve_sel Complete file path to engine efficiency improvement curve - cost vs efficiency string
aero_drag_imp_curve_sel Complete file path to aero drag improvement curve - cost vs drag coefficient string
skip_opt Boolean switch for skipping the optimization module bool
knob_min_ess_kwh Optimization bounds - minimum ESS capacity in kWh float
knob_max_ess_kwh Optimization bounds - maximum ESS capacity in kWh float
knob_min_motor_kw Optimization bounds - minimum motor peak power in kW float
knob_max_motor_kw Optimization bounds - maximum motor peak power in kW float
knob_min_fc_kw Optimization bounds - minimum fuel convertor peak power in kW float
knob_max_fc_kw Optimization bounds - maximum fuel convertor peak power in kW float
knob_min_fs_kwh Optimization bounds - minimum fuel storage capacity in kWh float
knob_max_fs_kwh Optimization bounds - maximum fuel storage capacity in kWh float
constraint_range Optimization constraint - Range
constraint_accel Optimization constraint - Acceleration 0-30mph, Acceleration 0-60mph bool
constraint_grade Optimization constraint - Gradeability 1.25% grade and 6% grade bool
objective_tco Boolean switch for minimizing TCO as optimization objective bool
constraint_c_rate Optimization constraint - Charge Rate bool
shifts_per_year Number of shift / drive cycle instances the vehicle travels per year as a vector of length equal to number of TCO years. If not specified, then it's calculated from vmt and drive cycle distance. NOTE: if the drive cycle includes the full duration of a shift, best practice is to leave this blank or 0 or [0]; otherwise , i.e. if it is a compressed or regulatory cycle, shifts per year should be specified. list[int]
motor_power_override_kw_fc_demand_on_pct For PHEV, percentage motor power override as fraction float
soc_norm_init_for_accel_pct Initial normalized SOC for acceleration test (only PHEV) float
soc_norm_init_for_grade_pct Initial normalized SOC for gradeability test (only PHEV) float
labor_rate_dol_per_hr Labor Rate for dollars per hour of vehicle operation float
activate_tco_payload_cap_cost_multiplier Boolean switch to activate lost payload capacity opportunity cost calculation bool
plf_ref_veh_empty_mass_kg Reference vehicle empty weight in kg for lost payload capacity opportunity cost calculation float
activate_tco_fueling_dwell_time_cost Boolean switch to activate fueling dwell time opportunity cost calculation bool
downtime_oppy_cost_dol_per_hr Opportunity cost of dwell time for fueling vehicle as dollar per hour float
fdt_num_free_dwell_trips Number of free trips or overnight charging opportunities that do not incur an opportunity cost penalty float
fdt_dwpt_fraction_power_pct Fraction of vehicle power consumption through dynamic wireless power transfer float
fdt_available_freetime_hr Number of hours of dwell time that do not incur opportunity cost penalty (eg., charging vehicle during scheduled lunch stops) float
fdt_avg_overhead_hr_per_dwell_hr Number of hours of overhead time during fueling/charging (eg., detour to gas station, time taken for plugging in charger, etc.) float
fdt_frac_full_charge_bounds Lower and Upper bounds for fractional charge as a list [, ]. is lowest fraction of charge/tank for a fractional charge at a fueling stop. is the highest fraction of charge/tank capacity above which it is preferred to rather fill up the batter/tank list[float]
activate_mr_downtime_cost Boolean switch to activate maintenance and repair (M&R) downtime opportunity cost calculation bool
mr_planned_downtime_hr_per_yr Regular/planned maintenance time in hours per year float
mr_unplanned_downtime_hr_per_mi Unplanned maintenance time per mile traveled as a vector with length equal to number of TCO years list[float]
mr_tire_replace_downtime_hr_per_event Downtime hours per tire replacement event float
mr_avg_tire_life_mi Average life of tire in miles after which a tire replacement event takes place float
insurance_rates_pct_per_yr Insurance rates as a percent of MSRP per year as vector with length equal to number of TCO years list[float]