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The Total Cost of Ownership is a core metric calculated by T3CO. It is made up of a few parts. The first is MSRP, or the purchase cost of the vehicle. Then there is fuel cost for each operational year. Then there are "other costs" as well as Payload Opportunity Costs.

Vehicle MSRP

The vehicle MSRP is composed of a glider cost, powertrain costs from engine and/or motor, energy storage for liquid fuel or battery pack, the plug for PHEVs and EVs, the battery replacement cost (rarely used), & the Purchase tax.


Text Only
'veh_msrp_set': {   
  'Battery': 7309.147060965,
  'Battery replacement': 0,
  'Fuel Storage': 382.918608555,
  'Fuel converter': 18554.678768654998,
  'Glider': 121918.9997,
  'Motor & power electronics': 627.78252096,
  'Plug': 0.0,
  'Purchase tax': 0.0,
  'msrp': 148793.526659135

The Glider and Plug costs are straight inputs from the T3CO scenario file. Battery and Fuel Storage are computed on a $/kWh basis. Fuel converter and Motor & power electronics are computed on a $/kW also from the T3CO scenario file.

MSRP Inputs
column name example value bounds
ess_cost_dol_per_kw 0 float
ess_cost_dol_per_kwh 85 float
ess_base_cost_dol 0 float
ess_cost_reduction_dol_per_yr 0 float
ess_salvage_value_dol 0 float
pe_mc_cost_dol_per_kw 11 float
pe_mc_base_cost_dol 350 float
fc_ice_cost_dol_per_kw 50 float
fc_ice_base_cost_dol 6250 float
fc_fuelcell_cost_dol_per_kw 85 float
fs_cost_dol_per_kwh 0.07 float
fs_h2_cost_dol_per_kwh 9.5 float
plug_base_cost_dol 500 float
markup_pct 1.2 float
tax_rate_pct 0.035 float
fc_cng_ice_cost_dol_per_kw 55 float
fs_cng_cost_dol_per_kwh 7.467735503 float
vehicle_glider_cost_dol 112759 float
##### MSRP Formula
Text Only
vehicle_glider_cost_dol = scenario.vehicle_glider_cost_dol

# fcPrice
if veh.veh_pt_type == gl.BEV or veh.fc_max_kw == 0:
    fcPrice = 0

elif veh.fc_eff_type == 'H2FC':
    fcPrice = scenario.fc_fuelcell_cost_dol_per_kw * fc_max_kw

elif veh.fc_eff_type == 9:
    fcPrice = ((scenario.fc_cng_ice_cost_dol_per_kw * fc_max_kw) + fc_ice_base_cost_dol)

    fcPrice = ((fc_ice_cost_dol_per_kw * fc_max_kw) + fc_ice_base_cost_dol)
fcPrice *= markup_pct

# fuelStorPrice
if veh.veh_pt_type == gl.BEV:
    fuelStorPrice = 0
elif veh.veh_pt_type == gl.HEV and scenario.fuel_type == 'hydrogen':
    fuelStorPrice = scenario.fs_h2_cost_dol_per_kwh * veh.fs_kwh
elif veh.veh_pt_type in [gl.CONV, gl.HEV, gl.PHEV] and scenario.fuel_type == 'cng':
    fuelStorPrice = scenario.fs_cng_cost_dol_per_kwh * veh.fs_kwh
elif veh.veh_pt_type in [gl.CONV, gl.HEV, gl.PHEV]:
    fuelStorPrice = scenario.fs_cost_dol_per_kwh * veh.fs_kwh
fuelStorPrice *= markup_pct

# calculate mcPrice
mc_max_kw = veh.mc_max_kw
if mc_max_kw == 0:
    mcPrice = 0
    mcPrice = (pe_mc_base_cost_dol + (pe_mc_cost_dol_per_kw * mc_max_kw))
mc_max_kw *= markup_pct

# calc ESS price
if veh.ess_max_kwh == 0:
    essPrice = 0
    essPrice = (ess_base_cost_dol + (ess_cost_dol_per_kwh * veh.ess_max_kwh))
essPrice *= markup_pct

# calc plugPrice
if veh_pt_type == gl.PHEV or veh_pt_type == gl.BEV or (veh_pt_type == gl.HEV and chargingOn):
    plugPrice = plugPrice
    plugPrice = 0
plugPrice *= markup_pct

if veh_pt_type == gl.CONV:
    msrp = vehicle_glider_cost_dol + fuelStorPrice + fcPrice
# could be HEV or FCEV
elif veh_pt_type == gl.HEV:
    msrp = vehicle_glider_cost_dol + fuelStorPrice + fcPrice + mcPrice + essPrice
elif veh_pt_type == gl.PHEV:
    msrp = vehicle_glider_cost_dol + fuelStorPrice + fcPrice + mcPrice + essPrice + plugPrice
elif veh_pt_type == gl.BEV:
    msrp = vehicle_glider_cost_dol + mcPrice + essPrice + plugPrice

pTaxCost = tax_rate_pct * msrp

cost_set = {
    "Glider": vehicle_glider_cost_dol,
    "Fuel converter": fcPrice,
    "Fuel Storage": fuelStorPrice,
    "Motor & power electronics": mcPrice,
    "Plug": plugPrice,
    "Battery": essPrice,
    "Battery replacement": 0,
    "Purchase tax": pTaxCost,
    "msrp": msrp

Code to generate MSRP

Fuel Costs

Fuel costs make up a plurality, if not the majority, of TCO. As one would expect, fuel costs per year are dependant on three things: The fuel efficiency of the vehicle, the miles travelled per year, and the cost per unit of fuel. All fuel efficiencies are converted to miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (MPGGE). All fuel costs are converted to dollars per gallon of gasoline equivalent.

Text Only
sum up all years
  fuel_cost_year_i = miles_travelled_year_i / mpgge * $/gge
Fuel efficiency is populated (code) as per these docs.

Model Year Region Vehicle Vocation Fuel Fuel Efficiency [mi/gge] Age [yr]
2022 United States MD BOX TRUCK BOX TRUCK Diesel 4.6

This table is eventually joined in the Stock Model Code with other tables. For example, if the vehicle has a 5 year life span:

Year Fuel Category Cost [$/gge]
2022 Diesel Fuel 3.98
2023 Diesel Fuel 4.10
2024 Diesel Fuel 4.20
2025 Diesel Fuel 4.29
2026 Diesel Fuel 4.35

Then there is the annual travel table (code), made up from vmt in the Scenario file

Age [yr] Annual Travel [mi/yr]
0 100,000
1 100,000
2 90,000
3 85,000
4 80,000

Finally, these are all joined with the fuel split table (code), such that each fuel used is assessed pro rata based on the proportion of usage for driven miles. This comes into play for PHEVs and their Utility Factor

Usual Conventional or HEV format: |Vehicle|Fuel|Vocation|Fraction of Travel [mi/mi]| |----|----|----|----| |MD BOX TRUCK|Diesel|BOX TRUCK| 1 | Or BEV Format: |Vehicle|Fuel|Vocation|Fraction of Travel [mi/mi]| |----|----|----|----| |MD EV BOX TRUCK|Electricity|BOX TRUCK| 1 |

PHEV format, where utility factor is .6 (60% of the time vehicle is in charge depleting mode): |Vehicle|Fuel|Vocation|Fraction of Travel [mi/mi]| |----|----|----|----| |MD PHEV BOX TRUCK|cd_diesel|BOX TRUCK| .6 | |MD PHEV BOX TRUCK|cd_electricity|BOX TRUCK| .6 | |MD PHEV BOX TRUCK|cs_diesel|BOX TRUCK| .4 |

These joins happen in the Stock Model Code.

Other Costs

There are other costs for vehicles during their TCO operational period (code). These costs are, but not limited to, maintenance costs $/mile, for both conventional and advanced powertrains, denoted from the Scenario input file as maint_oper_cost_dol_per_mi provided as a list across the vehicle life

There is also payload opportunity cost (under development), as well as optional time opportunity costs and labor opportunity costs. Also under development.

other costs table

Region Vocation Vehicle Category Cost [$/mi]
United States BOX TRUCK MD BOX TRUCK maintenance .32
United States BOX TRUCK MD BOX TRUCK payload opp cost 0
United States BOX TRUCK MD BOX TRUCK time opp cost" 0
United States BOX TRUCK MD BOX TRUCK labor opp cost 0

Payload Opportunity Costs

Payload Opportunity Cost is the concept of applying an opportunity cost to payload capacity that might be lost due to increasing a vehicle vocation empty weight when electrifying the powertrain. In the example below, the empty weight of the vehicle increased by 11,958 pounds. This region, less the EV weight credit of 2,000 pounds, is shaded in red under the kernel density estimate, representing potential lost cargo due to electrification and added battery weight.


Stock Model TCO Calculations

Total vehicle costs are compiled via a series elegant of table INNER JOINS in the stock model code.

BEV considerations

Vehicles that run on alternative fuels such as BEVs, FCEVs (treated as HEV by FASTSim), run on fuels, such as hydrogen or electricity, that need to be converted to a gallon of gasoline equivalent unit for fuel efficiency, MPGGE, and cost, $/GGE. The code where these conversions happen is here:

PHEV considerations

PHEVs have the same considerations as BEVs, but with the added twist of Utility Factors, which can come in as a user input in the Scenario File, or get computed. See PHEV Considerations.

Fuel Costs Table

The default fuel costs table is located at t3co/resources/auxiliary/FuelPrices.csv