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General Code Flow

  • Generally, start things off in with a command like

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    python -selections [23,24,25,26] -vehicles /path/to/vehiclesfile.csv -scenarios /path/to/scenariosfile.csv
    The -vehicles argument points to the vehicles input file. The -scenarios argument points to the scenarios input file. These two files are linked with an index column called selection, representing the row from each file to use. FASTSim Vehicles and Scenarios are the core data structures in T3CO

    Example of Scenario inputs.

    Example of FASTSim vehicle inputs.

  • Sweep Code sweeps through selected scenarios, in this case [23,24,25,26]

  • for selection, scenario_name in vehicles.index, vehicles.scenario_name
  • if selection in [23,24,25,26]: optimize(selection, scenario_name) link
  • optimize can optimize the vehicle and scenario, or it can skip optimizing compute TCO from vehicle and scenario inputs and report that
  • if optimizing
    • run_moo(selection int, scenarios DataFrame, *args, **kwargs) link
    • get get knobs-bounds & curves
    • note: optimization parameters (knobs) are implicitly activated by their minimum and maximum bounds being populated. See Scenario inputs. For example, if the row for your selection has populated values in columns knob_min_ess_kwh and knob_max_ess_kwh then that tells the optimizer that battery size, ess_kwh, is an optimization parameter (knob). The curves work the same way, for example eng_eff_imp_curve_sel being populated means that the opimization parameter for engine efficiency should be used.
    • get objectives and constraints
    • note: unlike knobs, constraints need to be explicitly turned on with True. For example: The Scenario file will have constraint_range value of True, and by necessity the target range must be specified as well, in target_range_mi
    • begin optimization loop
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while lowest TCO not found by PyMoo, for, say, vehicle & selection 23:
  ______________________________                                                                                                    ┌────────────────┐
 ╱                              ╲                                                                                                   │return optimized│
╱ lowest TCO found while meeting ╲__________________________________________________________________________________________________│parameters      │
╲ grade and accel constraints    ╱yes                                                                                               └────────┬───────┘
     ___________▽___________     ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                                                
    ╱                       ╲    │try new chassis weight, code:                 │                                                                
   ╱ chassis light-weighting ╲___│weight_delta_percent_knob(wt_delta_perc_guess,│                                                                
   ╲ knob active             ╱yes│optvehicle)                                   │                                                                
    ╲_______________________╱    └───────────────────────┬──────────────────────┘                                                                
                │no                                      │                                                                                       
                     ______▽_______     ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐                                                             
                    ╱              ╲    │try new drag coeff, code:                 │                                                             
                   ╱ CdA drag coeff ╲___│cda_percent_delta_knob(CdA_reduction_perc,│                                                             
                   ╲ knob active    ╱yes│optvehicle)                               │                                                             
                    ╲______________╱    └─────────────────────┬────────────────────┘                                                             
                           │no                                │                                                                                  
                             ________▽________     ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐                                                       
                            ╱                 ╲    │try new peak engine efficiency, code:│                                                       
                           ╱ engine efficiency ╲___│fc_peak_eff_knob(fc_peak_eff_guess,  │                                                       
                           ╲ knob active       ╱yes│optvehicle)                          │                                                       
                            ╲_________________╱    └──────────────────┬──────────────────┘                                                       
                                     │no                              │                                                                          
                                       _______▽________     ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐                                             
                                      ╱                ╲    │try new engine size [kw], code:       │                                             
                                     ╱ engine size [kw] ╲___│run_scenario.set_max_fuel_converter_kw│                                             
                                     ╲ knob active      ╱yes└───────────────────┬──────────────────┘                                             
                                      ╲________________╱                        │                                                                
                                              │no                               │                                                                
                                               ________▽________     ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐                               
                                              ╱                 ╲    │try new fuel store size [kwh], code:       │                               
                                             ╱ fuel store size   ╲___│run_scenario.set_fuel_store_kwh(optvehicle,│                               
                                             ╲ [kwh] knob active ╱yes│fs_kwh_guess)                              │                               
                                              ╲_________________╱    └─────────────────────┬─────────────────────┘                               
                                                       │no                                 │                                                     
                                                         ________▽________     ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐                    
                                                        ╱                 ╲    │try new battery size [kwh], code:           │                    
                                                       ╱ battery size      ╲___│run_scenario.set_max_battery_kwh(optvehicle,│                    
                                                       ╲ [kwh] knob active ╱yes│max_ess_kwh_guess)                          │                    
                                                        ╲_________________╱    └──────────────────────┬─────────────────────┘                    
                                                                 │no                                  │                                          
                                                                    _______▽________     ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐             
                                                                   ╱                ╲    │try new motor power [kw], code:          │             
                                                                  ╱ motor power [kw] ╲___│run_scenario.set_max_motor_kw(optvehicle,│             
                                                                  ╲ knob active      ╱yes│self.opt_scenario, max_motor_kw_guess)   │             
                                                                   ╲________________╱    └────────────────────┬────────────────────┘             
                                                                           │no                                │                                  
                                                                                │compute TCO and, if     │                                            
                                                                                │applicable, acceleration│                                            
                                                                                │and grade performance   │                                            
                                                                                │Optimizer keeps cycling  │                                           
                                                                                │trying to find lowest TCO│                                           

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