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PRAS is written in the Julia numerical programming language. If you haven’t already, your first step should be to install Julia. Instructions are available at

Once you have Julia installed, PRAS can be installed in two easy steps!

First, add NREL’s Julia package registry to your Julia installation. From the main Julia prompt, type ] to enter the package management REPL. The prompt should change from julia> to something like (v1.3) pkg> (your version number may be slightly different). Type (or paste) the following (minus the pkg> prompt) - note that the first line is only necessary if your Julia installation is brand new and you’ve never installed a package before:

pkg> registry add
pkg> registry add

Adding the NREL registry will allow you to easily add NREL-developed packages (like PRAS) that aren’t yet available in the main Julia registry.

Now you can install the PRAS package. In the package REPL ((v1.1) pkg>), simply type or paste:

pkg> add PRAS

This will automatically install the PRAS Julia module and all of its related dependencies. At this point you can hit Backspace to switch back to the main julia> prompt.


With PRAS installed, you can load it into Julia as follows:

using PRAS

This will make the core PRAS functions (most importantly, the SystemModel and assess functions) available for use in your Julia script or interactive REPL session.

The Getting Started page provides more information on using PRAS.