HSL (Harwell Subroutine Library) for IPOPT are a set of linear solvers that can greatly accelerate the speed of the optimization over the default MUMPS solver.
Go to the HSL site and follow the instructions to request the source code for all the available solvers. Note that the solver MA27 is free to obtain, but MA27 is a serial solver. Other solvers will require a license. Please request a license that applies to your use case.
If you are building IPOPT along with HSL, please follow the instructions here.
We need to be careful regarding the selection of linear algebra libraries when installing HSL.
The default version of IPOPT distributed with Ipopt.jl
on Linux links to the OpenBLAS library. This causes issues when linking the HSL library to the Intel oneAPI MKL libraries. For this reason, to use HSL linear solvers with IPOPT on Kestrel, either we must compile IPOPT from scratch or compile HSL with OpenBLAS and NetLib LAPACK instead of Intel oneAPI MKL. We demonstrated IPOPT + HSL installation with Intel oneAPI MKL here.
The following provides detailed instructions for building HSL using OpenBLAS and Netlib LAPACK ON HPC.
Metis is a serial graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering software that helps the HSL solvers perform better. Therefore, it is recommended that you also install or build the Metis library. If you do want to install Metis, it must be done before compiling the HSL library.
The easiest way to install Metis is to use anaconda:
Using HSL linear solvers requires installing Metis. Metis is optional for MUMPS.
We will install Metis using Anaconda, however, it can also be installed from source.
To install using Anaconda, we will create a clean environment with nothing but Metis.
The conda environment is being constructed within a directory in hpcapps
project on
module load conda
conda create -p /projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis python
conda activate /projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis
conda install conda-forge::metis
module load conda
loads the default anaconda module. You may use a different conda module based on your needs.
Anaconda packages sometimes have issues when they come from different channels. We tend to pull everything from conda-forge
hence the channel choice above.
The Metis library and header files are placed in /projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis/lib/
and /projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis/include/
, respectively.
We will be using the GNU compiler suite (gcc
and gfortran
). These can be accessed on the cluster by loading the appropriate module. This should work with any version of the GNU compilers. We use the default gcc
and gfortran
that are available on the CPU compute nodes.
Setting up the Environment
We will install HSL in /kfs2/projects/msoc/kpanda/apps/Ipopt/install
for this demonstration. This can be set to whatever location you wish to install.
Let's create the requisite installation directories
mkdir -p /kfs2/projects/msoc/kpanda/apps/Ipopt/install
cd /kfs2/projects/msoc/kpanda/apps/Ipopt/install
mkdir lib include
cd ..
We will make use of the following environment variables.
# Location of metis.h
export METIS_HEADER=/projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis/include
# Location of metis library
export METIS_LIBRARY=/projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis/lib
# Directory for keeping source code and build products
export MYAPPS=/kfs2/projects/msoc/kpanda/apps/Ipopt/install
# Location of header files
export MYINC=${MYAPPS}/include
# Location of static and dynamic libraries
export MYLIB=${MYAPPS}/lib
These can be added to the .bash_profile
file (or equivalent for other shells). Remember after adding these to source .bash_profile
(or equivalent) or to open a new terminal and do all building there.
Alternatively, to make the Metis header and dynamic library easily accessible to the HSL, MUMPS and IPOPT libraries, we will put symbolic links in the ${MYINC}
and ${MYLIB}
directories. Do this by doing the following:
cd ${MYINC}
ln -s ${METIS_HEADER}/metis.h metis.h
cd ${MYLIB}
ln -s ${METIS_LIBRARY}/libmetis.so libmetis.so
This has two advantages.
First, we don't need to add /projects/hpcapps/kpanda/conda-envs/metis/lib/
. The second advantage is that anaconda puts all the
environments libraries and include files in the same directories with
and metis.h
. Many of these libraries overlap with those used
by HSL, Mumps and IPOPT but are not necessarily the same versions. Loading a
different version of a library than those compiled against can cause unexpected behavior.
We will clone ThirdParty-HSL
and configure and install HSL in a working directory
git clone git@github.com:coin-or-tools/ThirdParty-HSL.git
Copy the HSL source code tarball into /projects/msoc/kpanda/apps/ThirdParty/HSL/
unpack it, and rename or (create a symbolic link to the unpacked directory) as coinhsl
Run the following commands to configure
cd ThirdParty-HSL
module load netlib-lapack
./configure --prefix=${MYAPPS} \
--with-metis \
--with-metis-cflags=-I${METIS_HEADER} \
--with-metis-lflags="-L${METIS_LIBRARY} -lmetis"
make && make install
This should install the HSL libraries in ${MYAPPS}
. Finally, add MYLIB
. You can append the following line to your .bash_profile
to make it permanent or call it every time you need to run IPOPT with HSL solvers.
IPOPT has a feature called the linear solver loader (read about it here). This allows for loading linear solvers from a dynamic library at run time. We will use this feature to use the HSL solvers.
The only thing you have to do is to make the HSL dynamic library findable. This is done by adding the directory containing the HSL library to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
. To use the new linear solvers just use the linear_solver="<solver>"
argument to IPOPT.Optimizer
The IPOPT build that comes with Ipopt.jl
seems to expect the HSL library to have the name libhsl.so
. The repo ThirdParty-HSL builds the library libcoinhsl.so
. The simplest fix is to do the following:
cd ${MYLIB}
# Create a symbolic link called libhsl.dylib
ln -s libcoinhsl.dylib libhsl.dylib
Alternatively, users can follow the instructions mentioned here for Julia JuMP