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Interactive Parallel Python with Jupyter#

For a general introduction to using Jupyter notebooks on Kestrel, please refer to the official documentation. This page covers how to leverage parallel computing with python through Jupyter notebooks on compute nodes. Accompanying notebooks to test if the environment and the job have been configured correctly are under the topic 'Parallel Interactive Tutorials' on the main Python page.

Setting up your account#

Login to Kestrel

$ ssh -X <username>

Navigate to your /projects directory

$ cd /projects/<projectname>/<username>/

Load the Nvidia HPC programming environment

$ module load PrgEnv-nvhpc/8.5.0

Check available conda modules and load one

$ module avail conda
$ module load anaconda3/2024.06.1

Create a new environment named ‘myEnv’ in the current directory

$ conda create --prefix ./myEnv

Activate your new environment

$ conda activate /kfs2/projects/<projectname>/<username>/myEnv
# (or) From the same directory
$ conda activate ./myEnv

Create a jupyter kernel named ‘myEnvJupyter’ from the myEnv environment

$ conda install ipykernel
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=myEnvJupyter

(Optional) To access your /scratch directory from your /projects directory, execute the following in your project directory

$ ln -s /scratch/<username>/ scratch
The above command will create a symbolic link to the scratch folder, which can be navigated to from JupyterHub to access files in your scratch directory.

Install packages#

CuPy : “An open-source array library for GPU-accelerated computing with Python”

$ nvcc –version
$ conda install -c conda-forge cupy
$ conda install -c conda-forge cupy cudnn cutensor nccl

numba-cuda : “CUDA GPU programming by directly compiling a restricted subset of Python code into CUDA kernels”

$ conda install -c conda-forge numba-cuda
$ conda install -c conda-forge cuda-nvcc cuda-nvrtc "cuda-version>=12.0"

mpi4py : “Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard to exploit multiple processors”

$ conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py openmpi
$ conda install cuda-cudart cuda-version=12

ipyparallel : “Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython”

$ conda install ipyparallel

Dask : “A flexible open-source Python library for parallel and distributed computing”

$ conda install dask
$ conda install dask-jobqueue
$ conda install graphviz
$ conda install ipycytoscape
$ conda install matplotlib

Launching jobs#

A general guide to running jobs on Kestrel can be found in the official documentation. Below are example procedures suitable for running jobs involving specific python modules, depending on their parallelization capability.

The text in the red box shows an example of the output parameter <nodename> and the text in the yellow box shows an example of the output parameter <alphabet soup>, relevant to the following tutorial.

<nodename> <alphabet soup>

GPU compatible modules: E.g. CuPy, numba-cuda etc.#

  1. Kestrel: Launch an interactive job

    $ salloc -A <projectname> -t 00:15:00 --partition=debug --gres=gpu:1
    $ module load anaconda3/2024.06.1
    $ conda activate ./myEnv
    $ jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=$(hostname -s)

  2. Local terminal: Establish a SSH tunnel

    $ ssh -N -L 8888:<nodename>:8888 <username>

  3. Web browser<alphabet soup>

    File > New > Notebook > myEnvJupyter

Jupyter test notebook for CuPy

Jupyter test notebook for numba-cuda

Multithread capable modules: E.g. Dask#

  1. Kestrel: Launch a multithread interactive job

    $ salloc -A <projectname> -t 00:15:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=104 --partition=debug
    $ module load anaconda3/2024.06.1
    $ conda activate ./myEnv
    $ jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=$(hostname -s)

  2. Local terminal: Establish a SSH tunnel

    $ ssh -N -L 8888:<nodename>:8888 <username>

  3. Web browser<alphabet soup>

    File > New > Notebook > myEnvJupyter

Jupyter test notebook for dask

Multinode capable job. E.g. mpi4py through ipyparallel#

  1. Kestrel: Launch a multinode interactive job

    $ salloc -A <projectname> -t 00:15:00 --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --partition=short
    $ module load anaconda3/2024.06.1
    $ conda activate ./myEnv
    $ jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=$(hostname -s)

  2. Local terminal: Establish a SSH tunnel

    $ ssh -N -L 8888:<nodename>:8888 <username>

  3. Web browser<alphabet soup>

    File > New > Notebook > myEnvJupyter

Jupyter test notebook for mpi4py

GPU + multinode jobs. E.g. CuPy + mpi4py through ipyparallel#

  1. Kestrel: Launch an interactive job

    $ salloc -A projectname -t 00:15:00 --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --gres=gpu:1 
    $ module load anaconda3/2024.06.1
    $ conda activate ./myEnv
    $ jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=$(hostname -s)

  2. Local terminal: Establish a SSH tunnel

    $ ssh -N -L 8888:<nodename>:8888 <username>

  3. Web browser<alphabet soup>

    File > New > Notebook > myEnvJupyter

Jupyter test notebook for CuPy + mpi4py
