openDSSenv module¶
Created on Wed Jun 15 18:08:05 2022
@author: abhijeetsahu
This environment is created for episodic interaction of the OpenDSS simulator for training RL agent, similar to an Open AI Gym environment
- openDSSenv.double_contingency(dss, lfs)¶
This function causes a double contingency where two line fault occurs
dss : opendss network lfs : the list of transmission lines that encounters fault
- openDSSenv.mix_contingency(dss, lf, cb)¶
This function causes a mixed contingency where a line fault occurs along with one capacitor bank is shut down
dss : opendss network lf : the transmission line that undergoes line fault cb : the capacitor bank that goes down
- openDSSenv.mix_contingency2(dss, lf, der)¶
This function causes a mixed contingency where a line fault occurs along with one capacitor bank is shut down
dss : opendss network lf : the transmission line that undergoes line fault der : set of der that goes down
- class openDSSenv.openDSSenv(_dss, _critical_loads, _line_faults, _switch_names, _capacitor_banks, debug=False, contingency=1, load_lb=0.8, load_ub=1.2, _ders=None)¶
- metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}¶
- render(mode='human', close=False)¶
This function renders a simplistic visual of the environment, where based on the voltage profile, the network node colors would change
mode : currently set to ‘human’ mode close : boolean to enable or disable rendering of the nevironment visuals
- reset()¶
This function resets the environment for a new episode where following things are performed: a) First all the controllable switches are opened b) Randomize the load profile c) based on a certain frequency a contingency is caused. Either single, double or mix d) the environment moves to the next state based on the contingency which acts as the initial state of the episode
- step(action, result=None, pc_queue=<queue.Queue object>, cp_queue=<queue.Queue object>)¶
This function executes the selected action on the environment. In this environment the action are limited to closing and opening of the controllable switch. This function call would transition of the state to next state, and the reward is computed. Unless we learn a reward function we can take some existing resilience metric. The agent reaches the goal when all the critical load buses satisfies the voltage criteria. In most of the prior RL work the voltage limit criteria is incorporated through the reward function/in the form of cost.
action: The controllable switch name to CLOSE
- openDSSenv.single_contingency(dss, lf)¶
This function causes a single line contingency
dss : opendss network lf : the transmission line that undergoes line fault
- openDSSenv.triple_contingency(dss, lfs)¶
This function causes a double contingency where two line fault occurs
dss : opendss network lfs : the list of transmission lines that encounters fault