logger module¶
Logging for quantitative metrics and free-form text. Code adopted from https://github.com/HumanCompatibleAI/imitation.git
- class logger.HierarchicalLogger(default_logger: stable_baselines3.common.logger.Logger, format_strs: Sequence[str] = ('stdout', 'log', 'csv'))¶
A logger supporting contexts for accumulating mean values.
self.accumulate_means creates a context manager. While in this context, values are loggged to a sub-logger, with only mean values recorded in the top-level (root) logger.
- accumulate_means(subdir: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]) Generator[None, None, None] ¶
Temporarily modifies this HierarchicalLogger to accumulate means values.
During this context, self.record(key, value) writes the “raw” values in “{self.default_logger.log_dir}/{subdir}” under the key “raw/{subdir}/{key}”. At the same time, any call to self.record will also accumulate mean values on the default logger by calling self.default_logger.record_mean(f”mean/{subdir}/{key}”, value).
During the context, self.record(key, value) will write the “raw” values in “{self.default_logger.log_dir}/subdir” under the key “raw/{subdir}/key”.
After the context exits, calling self.dump() will write the means of all the “raw” values accumulated during this context to self.default_logger under keys with the prefix mean/{subdir}/
Note that the behavior of other logging methods, log and record_mean are unmodified and will go straight to the default logger.
- Args:
- subdir: A string key which determines the folder where raw data is
written and temporary logging prefixes for raw and mean data. Entering an accumulate_means context in the future with the same subdir will safely append to logs written in this folder rather than overwrite.
- Yields:
None when the context is entered.
- Raises:
- RuntimeError: If this context is entered into while already in
an accumulate_means context.
- close()¶
closes the file
- dump(step=0)¶
Write all of the diagnostics from the current iteration
- get_dir() str ¶
Get directory that log files are being written to. will be None if there is no output directory (i.e., if you didn’t call start)
- Returns
the logging directory
- log(*args, **kwargs)¶
Write the sequence of args, with no separators, to the console and output files (if you’ve configured an output file).
- level: int. (see logger.py docs) If the global logger level is higher than
the level argument here, don’t print to stdout.
- Parameters
args – log the arguments
level – the logging level (can be DEBUG=10, INFO=20, WARN=30, ERROR=40, DISABLED=50)
- record(key, val, exclude=None)¶
Log a value of some diagnostic Call this once for each diagnostic quantity, each iteration If called many times, last value will be used.
- Parameters
key – save to log this key
value – save to log this value
exclude – outputs to be excluded
- record_mean(key, val, exclude=None)¶
The same as record(), but if called many times, values averaged.
- Parameters
key – save to log this key
value – save to log this value
exclude – outputs to be excluded
- set_level(level: int) None ¶
Set logging threshold on current logger.
- Parameters
level – the logging level (can be DEBUG=10, INFO=20, WARN=30, ERROR=40, DISABLED=50)
- class logger.WandbOutputFormat¶
A stable-baseline logger that writes to wandb.
Users need to call wandb.init() before initializing WandbOutputFormat.
- close() None ¶
Close owned resources
- write(key_values: Dict[str, Any], key_excluded: Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]], step: int = 0) None ¶
Write a dictionary to file
- Parameters
key_values –
key_excluded –
step –
- logger.configure(folder: Optional[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]] = None, format_strs: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) logger.HierarchicalLogger ¶
Configure Stable Baselines logger to be accumulate_means()-compatible.
After this function is called, stable_baselines3.logger.{configure,reset}() are replaced with stubs that raise RuntimeError.
- Args:
folder: Argument from stable_baselines3.logger.configure. format_strs: An list of output format strings. For details on available
output formats see stable_baselines3.logger.make_output_format.
- Returns:
The configured HierarchicalLogger instance.