Adversarial IRL on Re-routing¶
Classes and Functions¶
- cyber_train_airl_ieee123.evaluate_policy(env, model)¶
Evaluating the learned policy by running experiments in the environment
- Parameters
cpenv (Gym.Env) – The cyber RL environment
model (torch.nn.Module) – Trained policy network model
- Returns
average episode length, average reward
- Return type
- cyber_train_airl_ieee123.train_and_evaluate(channel_bws, router_qlimits, policy_net_train_len, airl_train_len, exp_trajectory_len)¶
For different combination of channel bandwidths and router queue limits and expert demonstrations, train and test the policy and saves the results, reward and policy network.
- Parameters
channel_bws (list) – List of the channel bandwidths value considered in the communication network
router_qlimits (list) – List of the router queue upper bound considered in the network
policy_net_train_len (int) – Samples considered for training the policy network fed in the generator network as initial policy
airl_train_len (int) – Samples considered for training AIRL network
exp_tajectory_len (int) – Number of expert demonstration samples to be considered
- Returns
- Return type